diff: change --inverse to --reverse
This fixes an incompatibility with patch(1), which also uses --reverse
for reversed diffs. The --inverse flag was added in
3f522d2fa633. That
name was chosen over --reverse since it was thought that --reverse
would make --rev ambiguous.
It turns out that both flags can co-exist, with the cost that --rev
can no longer be shortened to --r and --re. Since one can always use
the short -r option, this is not a real problem.
echo "[extensions]" >> $HGRCPATH
echo "mq=" >> $HGRCPATH
echo % init
hg init a
cd a
echo % commit
echo 'base' > base
hg ci -Ambase -d '1 0'
echo % qnew mqbase
hg qnew -mmqbase mqbase
echo % qrefresh
echo 'patched' > base
hg qrefresh
echo % qdiff
hg qdiff | sed -e "s/\(+++ [a-zA-Z0-9_/.-]*\).*/\1/" \
-e "s/\(--- [a-zA-Z0-9_/.-]*\).*/\1/"
echo % qdiff dirname
hg qdiff . | sed -e "s/\(+++ [a-zA-Z0-9_/.-]*\).*/\1/" \
-e "s/\(--- [a-zA-Z0-9_/.-]*\).*/\1/"
echo % qdiff filename
hg qdiff --nodates base
echo % revert
hg revert -a
echo % qpop
hg qpop
echo % qdelete mqbase
hg qdelete mqbase
echo % commit 2
printf '1\n2\n3\n4\nhello world\ngoodbye world\n7\n8\n9\n' > lines
hg ci -Amlines -d '2 0'
echo % qnew 2
hg qnew -mmqbase2 mqbase2
printf '\n\n1\n2\n3\n4\nhello world\n goodbye world\n7\n8\n9\n' > lines
echo % qdiff -U 1
hg qdiff --nodates -U 1
echo % qdiff -b
hg qdiff --nodates -b
echo % qdiff -U 1 -B
hg qdiff --nodates -U 1 -B
echo % qdiff -w
hg qdiff --nodates -w
echo % qdiff --reverse
hg qdiff --nodates --reverse