match: use '' instead of '.' for root directory (API)
I think '' is generally a better value for the root directory than '.'
is. For example, os.path.join('', 'foo') => 'foo', while
os.path.join('.', 'foo') => './foo'.
This patch mostly makes it so we use '' internally in However, it also affects the API in visitdir(),
visitchildrenset() and files(). The two former now also accept '' as
input. I've updated the callers of these methods. I've also added a
deprecation warning for passing '.' (for external callers). The only
caller I could find that was affected by files() returning '' instead
of '.' was in dirstate.walk(). I've updated that.
The next few patches show some workarounds we can remove by using ''
instead of '.'.
Differential Revision:
# RelaxNG schema for "xml" log style
# Inspired by Subversion's XML log format.
start = log
node.type = xsd:string {minLength = "40" maxLength = "40"}
log = element log { logentry+ }
logentry = element logentry {
branch*, tag*, hgparent*,
author, date,
msg, paths?, copies?, extra*
logentry.attlist =
attribute revision {xsd:nonNegativeInteger}
& attribute node {node.type}
branch = element branch { text }
tag = element tag { text }
hgparent = element parent {hgparent.attlist, text}
hgparent.attlist =
attribute revision {xsd:integer {minInclusive = "-1"} }
& attribute node {node.type}
author = element author { author.attlist, text }
author.attlist =
attribute email {text}
date = element date {xsd:dateTime}
msg = element msg {msg.attlist, text}
msg.attlist =
attribute xml:space {"preserve"}
paths = element paths { path* }
path = element path { path.attlist, text }
path.attlist =
# Action: (A)dd, (M)odify, (R)emove
attribute action {"A"|"M"|"R"}
copies = element copies { copy+ }
copy = element copy { copy.attlist, text }
copy.attlist =
attribute source {text}
extra = element extra {extra.attlist, text}
extra.attlist =
attribute key {text}