keepalive: pass the correct arguments to HTTPResponse
python2.7's httplib.HTTPResponse takes the arguments in the following order:
sock, debuglevel, strict, method, buffering
This was previously passing them in as positional and skipped strict, so we set
strict=method. I'm explicitly setting strict=True now to preserve the previous
behavior that has been there since this file was created.
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
Vagrant.configure('2') do |config|
# Debian 8.1 x86_64 without configuration management software = "debian/jessie64"
config.vm.hostname = "tests"
config.vm.define "tests" do |conf|
conf.vm.provision :file, source: "", destination:""
conf.vm.provision :shell, path: ""
conf.vm.synced_folder "../..", "/hgshared"