view doc/ @ 28180:2836a43c7722

run-tests: allow to run tests outside current directory When reloading tests, was assuming that it could look up the test by the basename, which only works if you are running tests which are in the current directory. This patch changes that lookup to use the full path. This is all that was needed, and does not appear to cause any problems for any of the existing testing work flows based on running the suggested commands at the top of Motivation: In order to test Mercurial with Hypothesis (according to it is useful to be able to generate temporary test files and execute them. Generating temporary files in the tests/ directory leads to a lot of suboptimal clutter.
author David R. MacIver <>
date Thu, 18 Feb 2016 08:52:15 +0000
parents 1b8c7d59be43
children 98153441c8cc
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python
# checkseclevel - checking section title levels in each online help document

import sys, os
import optparse

# import from the live mercurial repo
os.environ['HGMODULEPOLICY'] = 'py'
sys.path.insert(0, "..")
from mercurial import demandimport; demandimport.enable()
from mercurial.commands import table
from import helptable
from mercurial import extensions
from mercurial import minirst
from mercurial import ui as uimod

level2mark = ['"', '=', '-', '.', '#']
reservedmarks = ['"']

mark2level = {}
for m, l in zip(level2mark, xrange(len(level2mark))):
    if m not in reservedmarks:
        mark2level[m] = l

initlevel_topic = 0
initlevel_cmd = 1
initlevel_ext = 1
initlevel_ext_cmd = 3

def showavailables(ui, initlevel):
    ui.warn(('    available marks and order of them in this help: %s\n') %
            (', '.join(['%r' % (m * 4) for m in level2mark[initlevel + 1:]])))

def checkseclevel(ui, doc, name, initlevel):
    ui.note(('checking "%s"\n') % name)
    blocks, pruned = minirst.parse(doc, 0, ['verbose'])
    errorcnt = 0
    curlevel = initlevel
    for block in blocks:
        if block['type'] != 'section':
        mark = block['underline']
        title = block['lines'][0]
        if (mark not in mark2level) or (mark2level[mark] <= initlevel):
            ui.warn(('invalid section mark %r for "%s" of %s\n') %
                    (mark * 4, title, name))
            showavailables(ui, initlevel)
            errorcnt += 1
        nextlevel = mark2level[mark]
        if curlevel < nextlevel and curlevel + 1 != nextlevel:
            ui.warn(('gap of section level at "%s" of %s\n') %
                    (title, name))
            showavailables(ui, initlevel)
            errorcnt += 1
        ui.note(('appropriate section level for "%s %s"\n') %
                (mark * (nextlevel * 2), title))
        curlevel = nextlevel

    return errorcnt

def checkcmdtable(ui, cmdtable, namefmt, initlevel):
    errorcnt = 0
    for k, entry in cmdtable.items():
        name = k.split("|")[0].lstrip("^")
        if not entry[0].__doc__:
            ui.note(('skip checking %s: no help document\n') %
                    (namefmt % name))
        errorcnt += checkseclevel(ui, entry[0].__doc__,
                                  namefmt % name,
    return errorcnt

def checkhghelps(ui):
    errorcnt = 0
    for names, sec, doc in helptable:
        if callable(doc):
            doc = doc(ui)
        errorcnt += checkseclevel(ui, doc,
                                  '%s help topic' % names[0],

    errorcnt += checkcmdtable(ui, table, '%s command', initlevel_cmd)

    for name in sorted(extensions.enabled().keys() +
        mod = extensions.load(ui, name, None)
        if not mod.__doc__:
            ui.note(('skip checking %s extension: no help document\n') % name)
        errorcnt += checkseclevel(ui, mod.__doc__,
                                  '%s extension' % name,

        cmdtable = getattr(mod, 'cmdtable', None)
        if cmdtable:
            errorcnt += checkcmdtable(ui, cmdtable,
                                      '%s command of ' + name + ' extension',
    return errorcnt

def checkfile(ui, filename, initlevel):
    if filename == '-':
        filename = 'stdin'
        doc =
        with open(filename) as fp:
            doc =

    ui.note(('checking input from %s with initlevel %d\n') %
            (filename, initlevel))
    return checkseclevel(ui, doc, 'input from %s' % filename, initlevel)

def main():
    optparser = optparse.OptionParser("""%prog [options]

This checks all help documents of Mercurial (topics, commands,
extensions and commands of them), if no file is specified by --file
    optparser.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
                         help="enable additional output",
    optparser.add_option("-d", "--debug",
                         help="debug mode",
    optparser.add_option("-f", "--file",
                         help="filename to read in (or '-' for stdin)",
                         action="store", default="")

    optparser.add_option("-t", "--topic",
                         help="parse file as help topic",
                         action="store_const", dest="initlevel", const=0)
    optparser.add_option("-c", "--command",
                         help="parse file as help of core command",
                         action="store_const", dest="initlevel", const=1)
    optparser.add_option("-e", "--extension",
                         help="parse file as help of extension",
                         action="store_const", dest="initlevel", const=1)
    optparser.add_option("-C", "--extension-command",
                         help="parse file as help of extension command",
                         action="store_const", dest="initlevel", const=3)

    optparser.add_option("-l", "--initlevel",
                         help="set initial section level manually",
                         action="store", type="int", default=0)

    (options, args) = optparser.parse_args()

    ui = uimod.ui()
    ui.setconfig('ui', 'verbose', options.verbose, '--verbose')
    ui.setconfig('ui', 'debug', options.debug, '--debug')

    if options.file:
        if checkfile(ui, options.file, options.initlevel):
        if checkhghelps(ui):

if __name__ == "__main__":