dirstate: make writing dirstate file out avoid ambiguity of file stat
Cached attribute repo.dirstate uses stat of '.hg/dirstate' file to
examine validity of cached contents. If writing '.hg/dirstate' file
out keeps ctime, mtime and size of it, change is overlooked, and old
contents cached before change isn't invalidated as expected.
To avoid ambiguity of file stat, this patch writes '.hg/dirstate' file
out with checkambig=True.
The former diff hunk changes the code path for "dirstate.write()", and
the latter changes the code path for "dirstate.savebackup()".
This patch is a part of "Exact Cache Validation Plan":
# RelaxNG schema for "xml" log style
# Inspired by Subversion's XML log format.
start = log
node.type = xsd:string {minLength = "40" maxLength = "40"}
log = element log { logentry+ }
logentry = element logentry {
branch*, tag*, hgparent*,
author, date,
msg, paths?, copies?, extra*
logentry.attlist =
attribute revision {xsd:nonNegativeInteger}
& attribute node {node.type}
branch = element branch { text }
tag = element tag { text }
hgparent = element parent {hgparent.attlist, text}
hgparent.attlist =
attribute revision {xsd:integer {minInclusive = "-1"} }
& attribute node {node.type}
author = element author { author.attlist, text }
author.attlist =
attribute email {text}
date = element date {xsd:dateTime}
msg = element msg {msg.attlist, text}
msg.attlist =
attribute xml:space {"preserve"}
paths = element paths { path* }
path = element path { path.attlist, text }
path.attlist =
# Action: (A)dd, (M)odify, (R)emove
attribute action {"A"|"M"|"R"}
copies = element copies { copy+ }
copy = element copy { copy.attlist, text }
copy.attlist =
attribute source {text}
extra = element extra {extra.attlist, text}
extra.attlist =
attribute key {text}