worker: rewrite error handling so os._exit covers all cases
Previously the worker error handling is like:
pid = os.fork() --+
if pid == 0: |
.... | problematic
.... --+
try: --+
.... | worker error handling
If a signal arrives when Python is executing the "problematic" lines, an
external error handling ( will take over the control flow and
it's no longer guaranteed "os._exit" is called (see
86cd09bc13ba for why it
is necessary).
This patch rewrites the error handling so it covers all possible code paths
for a worker even during fork.
Note: "os.getpid() == parentpid" is used to test if the process is parent or
not intentionally, instead of checking "pid", because "pid = os.fork()" may
be not atomic - it's possible that that a signal hits the worker before the
assignment completes [1]. The newly added test replaces "os.fork" to
exercise that extreme case.
[1]: CPython compiles "pid = os.fork()" to 2 byte codes: "CALL_FUNCTION" and
"STORE_FAST", so it's probably not atomic:
def f():
pid = os.fork()
2 0 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (os)
3 LOAD_ATTR 1 (fork)
9 STORE_FAST 0 (pid)
12 LOAD_CONST 0 (None)
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Mercurial unified tests
" Author: Steve Losh (
" Place this file in ~/.vim/syntax/ and add the following line to your
" ~/.vimrc to enable:
" au BufNewFile,BufRead *.t set filetype=hgtest
" If you want folding you'll need the following line as well:
" let hgtest_fold=1
" You might also want to set the starting foldlevel for hgtest files:
" autocmd Syntax hgtest setlocal foldlevel=1
if exists("b:current_syntax")
syn include @Shell syntax/sh.vim
syn match hgtestComment /^[^ ].*$/
syn region hgtestOutput start=/^ [^$>]/ start=/^ $/ end=/\v.(\n\n*[^ ])\@=/me=s end=/^ [$>]/me=e-3 end=/^$/ fold containedin=hgtestBlock
syn match hgtestCommandStart /^ \$ / containedin=hgtestCommand
syn region hgtestCommand start=/^ \$ /hs=s+4,rs=s+4 end=/^ [^>]/me=e-3 end=/^ $/me=e-2 containedin=hgtestBlock contains=@Shell keepend
syn region hgtestBlock start=/^ /ms=e-2 end=/\v.(\n\n*[^ ])\@=/me=s end=/^$/me=e-1 fold keepend
hi link hgtestCommandStart Keyword
hi link hgtestComment Normal
hi link hgtestOutput Comment
if exists("hgtest_fold")
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syn sync match hgtestSync grouphere NONE "^$"
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" It's okay to set tab settings here, because an indent of two spaces is specified
" by the file format.
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