view tests/ @ 20742:3681de20b0a7

parsers: fail fast if Python has wrong minor version (issue4110) This change causes an informative ImportError to be raised when importing the parsers extension module if the minor version of the currently-running Python interpreter doesn't match that of the Python used when compiling the extension module. This change also exposes a parsers.versionerrortext constant in the C implementation of the module. Its presence can be used to determine whether this behavior is present in a version of the module. The value of the constant is the leading text of the ImportError raised and is set to "Python minor version mismatch". Here is an example of what the new error looks like: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in <module> import mercurial.parsers ImportError: Python minor version mismatch: The Mercurial extension modules were compiled with Python 2.7.6, but Mercurial is currently using Python with sys.hexversion=33883888: Python 2.5.6 (r256:88840, Nov 18 2012, 05:37:10) [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple Clang 4.1 ((tags/Apple/clang-421.11.66))] at: /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/Resources/ The reason for raising an error in this scenario is that Python's C API is known not to be compatible from minor version to minor version, even if sys.api_version is the same. See for example this Python bug report about incompatibilities between 2.5 and 2.6+: These incompatibilities can cause Mercurial to break in mysterious, unforeseen ways. For example, when Mercurial compiled with Python 2.7 was run with 2.5, the following crash occurred when running "hg status": After this crash was fixed, running with Python 2.5 no longer crashes, but the following puzzling behavior still occurs: $ hg status ... File ".../mercurial/", line 123, in __init__ revlog.revlog.__init__(self, opener, "00changelog.i") File ".../mercurial/", line 251, in __init__ d = self._io.parseindex(i, self._inline) File ".../mercurial/", line 158, in parseindex index, cache = parsers.parse_index2(data, inline) TypeError: data is not a string which can be reproduced more simply with: import mercurial.parsers as parsers parsers.parse_index2("", True) Both the crash and the TypeError occurred because the Python C API's PyString_Check() returns the wrong value when the C header files from Python 2.7 are run with Python 2.5. This is an example of an incompatibility of the sort mentioned in the Python bug report above. Failing fast with an informative error message results in a better user experience in cases like the above. The information in the ImportError also simplifies troubleshooting for those on Mercurial mailing lists, the bug tracker, etc. This patch only adds the version check to parsers.c, which is sufficient to affect command-line commands like "hg status" and "hg summary". An idea for a future improvement is to move the version-checking C code to a more central location, and have it run when importing all Mercurial extension modules and not just parsers.c.
author Chris Jerdonek <>
date Wed, 04 Dec 2013 20:38:27 -0800
parents 681f7b9213a4
children 328739ea70c3
line wrap: on
line source

# Since it's not easy to write a test that portably deals
# with files from different users/groups, we cheat a bit by
# monkey-patching some functions in the util module

import os
from mercurial import ui, util, error

hgrc = os.environ['HGRCPATH']
f = open(hgrc)
basehgrc =

def testui(user='foo', group='bar', tusers=(), tgroups=(),
           cuser='foo', cgroup='bar', debug=False, silent=False,
    # user, group => owners of the file
    # tusers, tgroups => trusted users/groups
    # cuser, cgroup => user/group of the current process

    # write a global hgrc with the list of trusted users/groups and
    # some setting so that we can be sure it was read
    f = open(hgrc, 'w')
    f.write('global = /some/path\n\n')

    if tusers or tgroups:
        if tusers:
            f.write('users = %s\n' % ', '.join(tusers))
        if tgroups:
            f.write('groups = %s\n' % ', '.join(tgroups))

    # override the functions that give names to uids and gids
    def username(uid=None):
        if uid is None:
            return cuser
        return user
    util.username = username

    def groupname(gid=None):
        if gid is None:
            return 'bar'
        return group
    util.groupname = groupname

    def isowner(st):
        return user == cuser
    util.isowner = isowner

    # try to read everything
    #print '# File belongs to user %s, group %s' % (user, group)
    #print '# trusted users = %s; trusted groups = %s' % (tusers, tgroups)
    kind = ('different', 'same')
    who = ('', 'user', 'group', 'user and the group')
    trusted = who[(user in tusers) + 2*(group in tgroups)]
    if trusted:
        trusted = ', but we trust the ' + trusted
    print '# %s user, %s group%s' % (kind[user == cuser], kind[group == cgroup],

    u = ui.ui()
    u.setconfig('ui', 'debug', str(bool(debug)))
    u.setconfig('ui', 'report_untrusted', str(bool(report)))
    if silent:
        return u
    print 'trusted'
    for name, path in u.configitems('paths'):
        print '   ', name, '=', path
    print 'untrusted'
    for name, path in u.configitems('paths', untrusted=True):
        print '.',
        u.config('paths', name) # warning with debug=True
        print '.',
        u.config('paths', name, untrusted=True) # no warnings
        print name, '=', path

    return u

f = open('.hg/hgrc', 'w')
f.write('local = /another/path\n\n')

#print '# Everything is run by user foo, group bar\n'

# same user, same group
# same user, different group
# different user, same group
# ... but we trust the group
testui(user='abc', tgroups=['bar'])
# different user, different group
testui(user='abc', group='def')
# ... but we trust the user
testui(user='abc', group='def', tusers=['abc'])
# ... but we trust the group
testui(user='abc', group='def', tgroups=['def'])
# ... but we trust the user and the group
testui(user='abc', group='def', tusers=['abc'], tgroups=['def'])
# ... but we trust all users
print '# we trust all users'
testui(user='abc', group='def', tusers=['*'])
# ... but we trust all groups
print '# we trust all groups'
testui(user='abc', group='def', tgroups=['*'])
# ... but we trust the whole universe
print '# we trust all users and groups'
testui(user='abc', group='def', tusers=['*'], tgroups=['*'])
# ... check that users and groups are in different namespaces
print "# we don't get confused by users and groups with the same name"
testui(user='abc', group='def', tusers=['def'], tgroups=['abc'])
# ... lists of user names work
print "# list of user names"
testui(user='abc', group='def', tusers=['foo', 'xyz', 'abc', 'bleh'],
       tgroups=['bar', 'baz', 'qux'])
# ... lists of group names work
print "# list of group names"
testui(user='abc', group='def', tusers=['foo', 'xyz', 'bleh'],
       tgroups=['bar', 'def', 'baz', 'qux'])

print "# Can't figure out the name of the user running this process"
testui(user='abc', group='def', cuser=None)

print "# prints debug warnings"
u = testui(user='abc', group='def', cuser='foo', debug=True)

print "# report_untrusted enabled without debug hides warnings"
u = testui(user='abc', group='def', cuser='foo', report=False)

print "# report_untrusted enabled with debug shows warnings"
u = testui(user='abc', group='def', cuser='foo', debug=True, report=False)

print "# ui.readconfig sections"
filename = 'foobar'
f = open(filename, 'w')
f.write('baz = quux\n')
u.readconfig(filename, sections=['foobar'])
print u.config('foobar', 'baz')

print "# read trusted, untrusted, new ui, trusted"
u = ui.ui()
u.setconfig('ui', 'debug', 'on')
u2 = u.copy()
def username(uid=None):
    return 'foo'
util.username = username
print 'trusted:'
print u2.config('foobar', 'baz')
print 'untrusted:'
print u2.config('foobar', 'baz', untrusted=True)

print "# error handling"

def assertraises(f, exc=util.Abort):
    except exc, inst:
        print 'raised', inst.__class__.__name__
        print 'no exception?!'

print "# file doesn't exist"
assert not os.path.exists('.hg/hgrc')
testui(debug=True, silent=True)
testui(user='abc', group='def', debug=True, silent=True)

print "# parse error"
f = open('.hg/hgrc', 'w')

    testui(user='abc', group='def', silent=True)
except error.ParseError, inst:
    print inst

    testui(debug=True, silent=True)
except error.ParseError, inst:
    print inst