obsstore: update create docstring to point to the coder friendly function
The `obsstore` class have a `create` method that create new obsolescence marker
from node. There is another function in the same module `createmarkers`. This
other function is higher level and automatically missing meta data (ultimately
calling the first one)
We add a new comment in the docstring of `obsstore.create` highlighting that
people writing new code probably want to use the top level one.
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<File Name="mercurial.diffhelpers.pyd" />
<File Name="mercurial.mpatch.pyd" />
<File Name="mercurial.osutil.pyd" />
<File Name="mercurial.parsers.pyd" />
<File Name="pyexpat.pyd" />
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<File Name="_socket.pyd" />
<File Name="_ssl.pyd" />