view contrib/vim/hg-menu.vim @ 26362:3bfc473f4d33

gitweb, monoblue: fix vertical align of spans in .sourcelines Empty lines in file view could produce an inexplicable margin before the next line (most noticeable in browsers on webkit/blink engine). That was making empty lines seem taller than the rest. Instead of using default vertical align, let's set it to 'top'. This issue is actually present in paper, and only recently got into gitweb (2239626369f5) and monoblue (119202d4d7a4). There's a bit more to it in paper, so that will be dealt with in a future patch. Recipe to see live: preferably using a webkit/blink browser, such as chromium, browse a file with empty lines, e.g. Selecting a block of text that includes empty lines will reveal white "breaks" in the selection. Highlighted line (#l8) also shows such a break below itself.
author Anton Shestakov <>
date Fri, 25 Sep 2015 03:02:38 +0800
parents ea7b982b6c08
line wrap: on
line source

" vim600: set foldmethod=marker:
" =============================================================================
"  Name Of File: hg-menu.vim
"   Description: Interface to Mercurial Version Control.
"        Author: Steve Borho (modified Jeff Lanzarotta's RCS script)
"          Date: Wednesday, October 5, 2005
"       Version: 0.1.0
"     Copyright: None.
"         Usage: These command and gui menu displays useful hg functions
" Configuration: Your hg executable must be in your path.
" =============================================================================

" Section: Init {{{1
if exists("loaded_hg_menu")
let loaded_hg_menu = 1

" Section: Menu Options {{{1
if has("gui")
"  amenu H&G.Commit\ File<Tab>,ci :!hg commit %<CR>:e!<CR>
"  amenu H&G.Commit\ All<Tab>,call :!hg commit<CR>:e!<CR>
"  amenu H&G.-SEP1-        <nul>
  amenu H&G.Add<Tab>\\add :!hg add %<CR><CR>
  amenu H&G.Forget\ Add<Tab>\\fgt :!hg forget %<CR><CR>
  amenu H&G.Show\ Differences<Tab>\\diff :call ShowResults("FileDiff", "hg\ diff")<CR><CR>
  amenu H&G.Revert\ to\ Last\ Version<Tab>\\revert :!hg revert %<CR>:e!<CR>
  amenu H&G.Show\ History<Tab>\\log :call ShowResults("FileLog", "hg\ log")<CR><CR>
  amenu H&G.Annotate<Tab>\\an :call ShowResults("annotate", "hg\ annotate")<CR><CR>
  amenu H&G.-SEP1-        <nul>
  amenu H&G.Repo\ Status<Tab>\\stat :call ShowResults("RepoStatus", "hg\ status")<CR><CR>
  amenu H&G.Pull<Tab>\\pull :!hg pull<CR>:e!<CR>
  amenu H&G.Update<Tab>\\upd :!hg update<CR>:e!<CR>

" Section: Mappings {{{1
if(v:version >= 600)
  " The default Leader is \ 'backslash'
  map <Leader>add       :!hg add %<CR><CR>
  map <Leader>fgt       :!hg forget %<CR><CR>
  map <Leader>diff      :call ShowResults("FileDiff", "hg\ diff")<CR><CR>
  map <Leader>revert    :!hg revert %<CR>:e!<CR>
  map <Leader>log       :call ShowResults("FileLog", "hg\ log")<CR><CR>
  map <Leader>an        :call ShowResults("annotate", "hg\ annotate")<CR><CR>
  map <Leader>stat      :call ShowResults("RepoStatus", "hg\ status")<CR><CR>
  map <Leader>upd       :!hg update<CR>:e!<CR>
  map <Leader>pull      :!hg pull<CR>:e!<CR>
  " pre 6.0, the default Leader was a comma
  map ,add          :!hg add %<CR><CR>
  map ,fgt          :!hg forget %<CR><CR>
  map ,diff         :call ShowResults("FileDiff", "hg\ diff")<CR><CR>
  map ,revert       :!hg revert<CR>:e!<CR>
  map ,log          :call ShowResults("FileLog", "hg\ log")<CR><CR>
  map ,an           :call ShowResults("annotate", "hg\ annotate")<CR><CR>
  map ,stat         :call ShowResults("RepoStatus", "hg\ status")<CR><CR>
  map ,upd          :!hg update<CR>:e!<CR>
  map ,pull         :!hg pull<CR>:e!<CR>

" Section: Functions {{{1
" Show the log results of the current file with a revision control system.
function! ShowResults(bufferName, cmdName)
  " Modify the shortmess option:
  " A  don't give the "ATTENTION" message when an existing swap file is
  "    found.
  set shortmess+=A

  " Get the name of the current buffer.
  let currentBuffer = bufname("%")

  " If a buffer with the name rlog exists, delete it.
  if bufexists(a:bufferName)
    execute 'bd! ' a:bufferName

  " Create a new buffer.
  execute 'new ' a:bufferName

  " Execute the command.
  execute 'r!' a:cmdName ' ' currentBuffer

  " Make is so that the file can't be edited.
  setlocal nomodified
  setlocal nomodifiable
  setlocal readonly

  " Go to the beginning of the buffer.
  execute "normal 1G"

  " Restore the shortmess option.
  set shortmess-=A