author Siddharth Agarwal <>
Tue, 17 Mar 2015 15:33:34 -0700
changeset 24370 3e8b06097d00
parent 24337 696ab1a24ae0
child 24586 90e3f5d22dad
permissions -rw-r--r--
keyword: monkeypatch patch.diff more generically This function doesn't need access to any of the args or kwargs, so make the monkeypatching more robust. (In upcoming patches we'll introduce another argument to patch.diff, and this function would break if it weren't for this patch.)

# - template expansion for output
# Copyright 2005, 2006 Matt Mackall <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

from i18n import _
import os, re
import util, config, templatefilters, templatekw, parser, error
import revset as revsetmod
import types
import minirst

# template parsing

elements = {
    "(": (20, ("group", 1, ")"), ("func", 1, ")")),
    ",": (2, None, ("list", 2)),
    "|": (5, None, ("|", 5)),
    "%": (6, None, ("%", 6)),
    ")": (0, None, None),
    "symbol": (0, ("symbol",), None),
    "string": (0, ("string",), None),
    "rawstring": (0, ("rawstring",), None),
    "end": (0, None, None),

def tokenizer(data):
    program, start, end = data
    pos = start
    while pos < end:
        c = program[pos]
        if c.isspace(): # skip inter-token whitespace
        elif c in "(,)%|": # handle simple operators
            yield (c, None, pos)
        elif (c in '"\'' or c == 'r' and
              program[pos:pos + 2] in ("r'", 'r"')): # handle quoted strings
            if c == 'r':
                pos += 1
                c = program[pos]
                decode = False
                decode = True
            pos += 1
            s = pos
            while pos < end: # find closing quote
                d = program[pos]
                if decode and d == '\\': # skip over escaped characters
                    pos += 2
                if d == c:
                    if not decode:
                        yield ('rawstring', program[s:pos], s)
                    yield ('string', program[s:pos], s)
                pos += 1
                raise error.ParseError(_("unterminated string"), s)
        elif c.isalnum() or c in '_':
            s = pos
            pos += 1
            while pos < end: # find end of symbol
                d = program[pos]
                if not (d.isalnum() or d == "_"):
                pos += 1
            sym = program[s:pos]
            yield ('symbol', sym, s)
            pos -= 1
        elif c == '}':
            pos += 1
            raise error.ParseError(_("syntax error"), pos)
        pos += 1
    yield ('end', None, pos)

def compiletemplate(tmpl, context, strtoken="string"):
    parsed = []
    pos, stop = 0, len(tmpl)
    p = parser.parser(tokenizer, elements)
    while pos < stop:
        n = tmpl.find('{', pos)
        if n < 0:
            parsed.append((strtoken, tmpl[pos:]))
        if n > 0 and tmpl[n - 1] == '\\':
            # escaped
            parsed.append((strtoken, (tmpl[pos:n - 1] + "{")))
            pos = n + 1
        if n > pos:
            parsed.append((strtoken, tmpl[pos:n]))

        pd = [tmpl, n + 1, stop]
        parseres, pos = p.parse(pd)

    return [compileexp(e, context) for e in parsed]

def compileexp(exp, context):
    t = exp[0]
    if t in methods:
        return methods[t](exp, context)
    raise error.ParseError(_("unknown method '%s'") % t)

# template evaluation

def getsymbol(exp):
    if exp[0] == 'symbol':
        return exp[1]
    raise error.ParseError(_("expected a symbol, got '%s'") % exp[0])

def getlist(x):
    if not x:
        return []
    if x[0] == 'list':
        return getlist(x[1]) + [x[2]]
    return [x]

def getfilter(exp, context):
    f = getsymbol(exp)
    if f not in context._filters:
        raise error.ParseError(_("unknown function '%s'") % f)
    return context._filters[f]

def gettemplate(exp, context):
    if exp[0] == 'string' or exp[0] == 'rawstring':
        return compiletemplate(exp[1], context, strtoken=exp[0])
    if exp[0] == 'symbol':
        return context._load(exp[1])
    raise error.ParseError(_("expected template specifier"))

def runstring(context, mapping, data):
    return data.decode("string-escape")

def runrawstring(context, mapping, data):
    return data

def runsymbol(context, mapping, key):
    v = mapping.get(key)
    if v is None:
        v = context._defaults.get(key)
    if v is None:
            v = context.process(key, mapping)
        except TemplateNotFound:
            v = ''
    if callable(v):
        return v(**mapping)
    if isinstance(v, types.GeneratorType):
        v = list(v)
    return v

def buildfilter(exp, context):
    func, data = compileexp(exp[1], context)
    filt = getfilter(exp[2], context)
    return (runfilter, (func, data, filt))

def runfilter(context, mapping, data):
    func, data, filt = data
    # func() may return string, generator of strings or arbitrary object such
    # as date tuple, but filter does not want generator.
    thing = func(context, mapping, data)
    if isinstance(thing, types.GeneratorType):
        thing = stringify(thing)
        return filt(thing)
    except (ValueError, AttributeError, TypeError):
        if isinstance(data, tuple):
            dt = data[1]
            dt = data
        raise util.Abort(_("template filter '%s' is not compatible with "
                           "keyword '%s'") % (filt.func_name, dt))

def buildmap(exp, context):
    func, data = compileexp(exp[1], context)
    ctmpl = gettemplate(exp[2], context)
    return (runmap, (func, data, ctmpl))

def runtemplate(context, mapping, template):
    for func, data in template:
        yield func(context, mapping, data)

def runmap(context, mapping, data):
    func, data, ctmpl = data
    d = func(context, mapping, data)
    if callable(d):
        d = d()

    lm = mapping.copy()

    for i in d:
        if isinstance(i, dict):
            lm['originalnode'] = mapping.get('node')
            yield runtemplate(context, lm, ctmpl)
            # v is not an iterable of dicts, this happen when 'key'
            # has been fully expanded already and format is useless.
            # If so, return the expanded value.
            yield i

def buildfunc(exp, context):
    n = getsymbol(exp[1])
    args = [compileexp(x, context) for x in getlist(exp[2])]
    if n in funcs:
        f = funcs[n]
        return (f, args)
    if n in context._filters:
        if len(args) != 1:
            raise error.ParseError(_("filter %s expects one argument") % n)
        f = context._filters[n]
        return (runfilter, (args[0][0], args[0][1], f))
    raise error.ParseError(_("unknown function '%s'") % n)

def date(context, mapping, args):
    if not (1 <= len(args) <= 2):
        # i18n: "date" is a keyword
        raise error.ParseError(_("date expects one or two arguments"))

    date = args[0][0](context, mapping, args[0][1])
    if len(args) == 2:
        fmt = stringify(args[1][0](context, mapping, args[1][1]))
        return util.datestr(date, fmt)
    return util.datestr(date)

def diff(context, mapping, args):
    if len(args) > 2:
        # i18n: "diff" is a keyword
        raise error.ParseError(_("diff expects one, two or no arguments"))

    def getpatterns(i):
        if i < len(args):
            s = args[i][1].strip()
            if s:
                return [s]
        return []

    ctx = mapping['ctx']
    chunks = ctx.diff(match=ctx.match([], getpatterns(0), getpatterns(1)))

    return ''.join(chunks)

def fill(context, mapping, args):
    if not (1 <= len(args) <= 4):
        # i18n: "fill" is a keyword
        raise error.ParseError(_("fill expects one to four arguments"))

    text = stringify(args[0][0](context, mapping, args[0][1]))
    width = 76
    initindent = ''
    hangindent = ''
    if 2 <= len(args) <= 4:
            width = int(stringify(args[1][0](context, mapping, args[1][1])))
        except ValueError:
            # i18n: "fill" is a keyword
            raise error.ParseError(_("fill expects an integer width"))
            initindent = stringify(_evalifliteral(args[2], context, mapping))
            hangindent = stringify(_evalifliteral(args[3], context, mapping))
        except IndexError:

    return templatefilters.fill(text, width, initindent, hangindent)

def pad(context, mapping, args):
    """usage: pad(text, width, fillchar=' ', right=False)
    if not (2 <= len(args) <= 4):
        # i18n: "pad" is a keyword
        raise error.ParseError(_("pad() expects two to four arguments"))

    width = int(args[1][1])

    text = stringify(args[0][0](context, mapping, args[0][1]))
    if args[0][0] == runstring:
        text = stringify(runtemplate(context, mapping,
            compiletemplate(text, context)))

    right = False
    fillchar = ' '
    if len(args) > 2:
        fillchar = stringify(args[2][0](context, mapping, args[2][1]))
    if len(args) > 3:
        right = util.parsebool(args[3][1])

    if right:
        return text.rjust(width, fillchar)
        return text.ljust(width, fillchar)

def get(context, mapping, args):
    if len(args) != 2:
        # i18n: "get" is a keyword
        raise error.ParseError(_("get() expects two arguments"))

    dictarg = args[0][0](context, mapping, args[0][1])
    if not util.safehasattr(dictarg, 'get'):
        # i18n: "get" is a keyword
        raise error.ParseError(_("get() expects a dict as first argument"))

    key = args[1][0](context, mapping, args[1][1])
    yield dictarg.get(key)

def _evalifliteral(arg, context, mapping):
    t = stringify(arg[0](context, mapping, arg[1]))
    if arg[0] == runstring or arg[0] == runrawstring:
        yield runtemplate(context, mapping,
                          compiletemplate(t, context, strtoken='rawstring'))
        yield t

def if_(context, mapping, args):
    if not (2 <= len(args) <= 3):
        # i18n: "if" is a keyword
        raise error.ParseError(_("if expects two or three arguments"))

    test = stringify(args[0][0](context, mapping, args[0][1]))
    if test:
        yield _evalifliteral(args[1], context, mapping)
    elif len(args) == 3:
        yield _evalifliteral(args[2], context, mapping)

def ifcontains(context, mapping, args):
    if not (3 <= len(args) <= 4):
        # i18n: "ifcontains" is a keyword
        raise error.ParseError(_("ifcontains expects three or four arguments"))

    item = stringify(args[0][0](context, mapping, args[0][1]))
    items = args[1][0](context, mapping, args[1][1])

    if item in items:
        yield _evalifliteral(args[2], context, mapping)
    elif len(args) == 4:
        yield _evalifliteral(args[3], context, mapping)

def ifeq(context, mapping, args):
    if not (3 <= len(args) <= 4):
        # i18n: "ifeq" is a keyword
        raise error.ParseError(_("ifeq expects three or four arguments"))

    test = stringify(args[0][0](context, mapping, args[0][1]))
    match = stringify(args[1][0](context, mapping, args[1][1]))
    if test == match:
        yield _evalifliteral(args[2], context, mapping)
    elif len(args) == 4:
        yield _evalifliteral(args[3], context, mapping)

def join(context, mapping, args):
    if not (1 <= len(args) <= 2):
        # i18n: "join" is a keyword
        raise error.ParseError(_("join expects one or two arguments"))

    joinset = args[0][0](context, mapping, args[0][1])
    if callable(joinset):
        jf = joinset.joinfmt
        joinset = [jf(x) for x in joinset()]

    joiner = " "
    if len(args) > 1:
        joiner = stringify(args[1][0](context, mapping, args[1][1]))

    first = True
    for x in joinset:
        if first:
            first = False
            yield joiner
        yield x

def label(context, mapping, args):
    if len(args) != 2:
        # i18n: "label" is a keyword
        raise error.ParseError(_("label expects two arguments"))

    # ignore args[0] (the label string) since this is supposed to be a a no-op
    yield _evalifliteral(args[1], context, mapping)

def revset(context, mapping, args):
    """usage: revset(query[, formatargs...])
    if not len(args) > 0:
        # i18n: "revset" is a keyword
        raise error.ParseError(_("revset expects one or more arguments"))

    raw = args[0][1]
    ctx = mapping['ctx']
    repo = ctx.repo()

    def query(expr):
        m = revsetmod.match(repo.ui, expr)
        return m(repo)

    if len(args) > 1:
        formatargs = list([a[0](context, mapping, a[1]) for a in args[1:]])
        revs = query(revsetmod.formatspec(raw, *formatargs))
        revs = list([str(r) for r in revs])
        revsetcache = mapping['cache'].setdefault("revsetcache", {})
        if raw in revsetcache:
            revs = revsetcache[raw]
            revs = query(raw)
            revs = list([str(r) for r in revs])
            revsetcache[raw] = revs

    return templatekw.showlist("revision", revs, **mapping)

def rstdoc(context, mapping, args):
    if len(args) != 2:
        # i18n: "rstdoc" is a keyword
        raise error.ParseError(_("rstdoc expects two arguments"))

    text = stringify(args[0][0](context, mapping, args[0][1]))
    style = stringify(args[1][0](context, mapping, args[1][1]))

    return minirst.format(text, style=style, keep=['verbose'])

def shortest(context, mapping, args):
    """usage: shortest(node, minlength=4)
    if not (1 <= len(args) <= 2):
        # i18n: "shortest" is a keyword
        raise error.ParseError(_("shortest() expects one or two arguments"))

    node = stringify(args[0][0](context, mapping, args[0][1]))

    minlength = 4
    if len(args) > 1:
        minlength = int(args[1][1])

    cl = mapping['ctx']._repo.changelog
    def isvalid(test):
            except AttributeError:
                # Pure mercurial doesn't support partialmatch on the index.
                # Fallback to the slow way.
                if cl._partialmatch(test) is None:
                    return False

                i = int(test)
                # if we are a pure int, then starting with zero will not be
                # confused as a rev; or, obviously, if the int is larger than
                # the value of the tip rev
                if test[0] == '0' or i > len(cl):
                    return True
                return False
            except ValueError:
                return True
        except error.RevlogError:
            return False

    shortest = node
    startlength = max(6, minlength)
    length = startlength
    while True:
        test = node[:length]
        if isvalid(test):
            shortest = test
            if length == minlength or length > startlength:
                return shortest
            length -= 1
            length += 1
            if len(shortest) <= length:
                return shortest

def strip(context, mapping, args):
    if not (1 <= len(args) <= 2):
        # i18n: "strip" is a keyword
        raise error.ParseError(_("strip expects one or two arguments"))

    text = stringify(args[0][0](context, mapping, args[0][1]))
    if len(args) == 2:
        chars = stringify(args[1][0](context, mapping, args[1][1]))
        return text.strip(chars)
    return text.strip()

def sub(context, mapping, args):
    if len(args) != 3:
        # i18n: "sub" is a keyword
        raise error.ParseError(_("sub expects three arguments"))

    pat = stringify(args[0][0](context, mapping, args[0][1]))
    rpl = stringify(args[1][0](context, mapping, args[1][1]))
    src = stringify(_evalifliteral(args[2], context, mapping))
    yield re.sub(pat, rpl, src)

def startswith(context, mapping, args):
    if len(args) != 2:
        # i18n: "startswith" is a keyword
        raise error.ParseError(_("startswith expects two arguments"))

    patn = stringify(args[0][0](context, mapping, args[0][1]))
    text = stringify(args[1][0](context, mapping, args[1][1]))
    if text.startswith(patn):
        return text
    return ''

def word(context, mapping, args):
    """return nth word from a string"""
    if not (2 <= len(args) <= 3):
        # i18n: "word" is a keyword
        raise error.ParseError(_("word expects two or three arguments, got %d")
                               % len(args))

    num = int(stringify(args[0][0](context, mapping, args[0][1])))
    text = stringify(args[1][0](context, mapping, args[1][1]))
    if len(args) == 3:
        splitter = stringify(args[2][0](context, mapping, args[2][1]))
        splitter = None

    tokens = text.split(splitter)
    if num >= len(tokens):
        return ''
        return tokens[num]

methods = {
    "string": lambda e, c: (runstring, e[1]),
    "rawstring": lambda e, c: (runrawstring, e[1]),
    "symbol": lambda e, c: (runsymbol, e[1]),
    "group": lambda e, c: compileexp(e[1], c),
#    ".": buildmember,
    "|": buildfilter,
    "%": buildmap,
    "func": buildfunc,

funcs = {
    "date": date,
    "diff": diff,
    "fill": fill,
    "get": get,
    "if": if_,
    "ifcontains": ifcontains,
    "ifeq": ifeq,
    "join": join,
    "label": label,
    "pad": pad,
    "revset": revset,
    "rstdoc": rstdoc,
    "shortest": shortest,
    "startswith": startswith,
    "strip": strip,
    "sub": sub,
    "word": word,

# template engine

stringify = templatefilters.stringify

def _flatten(thing):
    '''yield a single stream from a possibly nested set of iterators'''
    if isinstance(thing, str):
        yield thing
    elif not util.safehasattr(thing, '__iter__'):
        if thing is not None:
            yield str(thing)
        for i in thing:
            if isinstance(i, str):
                yield i
            elif not util.safehasattr(i, '__iter__'):
                if i is not None:
                    yield str(i)
            elif i is not None:
                for j in _flatten(i):
                    yield j

def parsestring(s, quoted=True):
    '''parse a string using simple c-like syntax.
    string must be in quotes if quoted is True.'''
    if quoted:
        if len(s) < 2 or s[0] != s[-1]:
            raise SyntaxError(_('unmatched quotes'))
        return s[1:-1].decode('string_escape')

    return s.decode('string_escape')

class engine(object):
    '''template expansion engine.

    template expansion works like this. a map file contains key=value
    pairs. if value is quoted, it is treated as string. otherwise, it
    is treated as name of template file.

    templater is asked to expand a key in map. it looks up key, and
    looks for strings like this: {foo}. it expands {foo} by looking up
    foo in map, and substituting it. expansion is recursive: it stops
    when there is no more {foo} to replace.

    expansion also allows formatting and filtering.

    format uses key to expand each item in list. syntax is

    filter uses function to transform value. syntax is

    def __init__(self, loader, filters={}, defaults={}):
        self._loader = loader
        self._filters = filters
        self._defaults = defaults
        self._cache = {}

    def _load(self, t):
        '''load, parse, and cache a template'''
        if t not in self._cache:
            self._cache[t] = compiletemplate(self._loader(t), self)
        return self._cache[t]

    def process(self, t, mapping):
        '''Perform expansion. t is name of map element to expand.
        mapping contains added elements for use during expansion. Is a
        return _flatten(runtemplate(self, mapping, self._load(t)))

engines = {'default': engine}

def stylelist():
    paths = templatepaths()
    if not paths:
        return _('no templates found, try `hg debuginstall` for more info')
    dirlist =  os.listdir(paths[0])
    stylelist = []
    for file in dirlist:
        split = file.split(".")
        if split[0] == "map-cmdline":
    return ", ".join(sorted(stylelist))

class TemplateNotFound(util.Abort):

class templater(object):

    def __init__(self, mapfile, filters={}, defaults={}, cache={},
                 minchunk=1024, maxchunk=65536):
        '''set up template engine.
        mapfile is name of file to read map definitions from.
        filters is dict of functions. each transforms a value into another.
        defaults is dict of default map definitions.'''
        self.mapfile = mapfile or 'template'
        self.cache = cache.copy() = {}
        if mapfile:
            self.base = os.path.dirname(mapfile)
            self.base = ''
        self.filters = templatefilters.filters.copy()
        self.defaults = defaults
        self.minchunk, self.maxchunk = minchunk, maxchunk
        self.ecache = {}

        if not mapfile:
        if not os.path.exists(mapfile):
            raise util.Abort(_("style '%s' not found") % mapfile,
                             hint=_("available styles: %s") % stylelist())

        conf = config.config()

        for key, val in conf[''].items():
            if not val:
                raise SyntaxError(_('%s: missing value') % conf.source('', key))
            if val[0] in "'\"":
                    self.cache[key] = parsestring(val)
                except SyntaxError, inst:
                    raise SyntaxError('%s: %s' %
                                      (conf.source('', key), inst.args[0]))
                val = 'default', val
                if ':' in val[1]:
                    val = val[1].split(':', 1)
      [key] = val[0], os.path.join(self.base, val[1])

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return key in self.cache or key in

    def load(self, t):
        '''Get the template for the given template name. Use a local cache.'''
        if t not in self.cache:
                self.cache[t] = util.readfile([t][1])
            except KeyError, inst:
                raise TemplateNotFound(_('"%s" not in template map') %
            except IOError, inst:
                raise IOError(inst.args[0], _('template file %s: %s') %
                              ([t][1], inst.args[1]))
        return self.cache[t]

    def __call__(self, t, **mapping):
        ttype = t in and[t][0] or 'default'
        if ttype not in self.ecache:
            self.ecache[ttype] = engines[ttype](self.load,
                                                 self.filters, self.defaults)
        proc = self.ecache[ttype]

        stream = proc.process(t, mapping)
        if self.minchunk:
            stream = util.increasingchunks(stream, min=self.minchunk,
        return stream

def templatepaths():
    '''return locations used for template files.'''
    pathsrel = ['templates']
    paths = [os.path.normpath(os.path.join(util.datapath, f))
             for f in pathsrel]
    return [p for p in paths if os.path.isdir(p)]

def templatepath(name):
    '''return location of template file. returns None if not found.'''
    for p in templatepaths():
        f = os.path.join(p, name)
        if os.path.exists(f):
            return f
    return None

def stylemap(styles, paths=None):
    """Return path to mapfile for a given style.

    Searches mapfile in the following locations:
    1. templatepath/style/map
    2. templatepath/map-style
    3. templatepath/map

    if paths is None:
        paths = templatepaths()
    elif isinstance(paths, str):
        paths = [paths]

    if isinstance(styles, str):
        styles = [styles]

    for style in styles:
        # only plain name is allowed to honor template paths
        if (not style
            or style in (os.curdir, os.pardir)
            or os.sep in style
            or os.altsep and os.altsep in style):
        locations = [os.path.join(style, 'map'), 'map-' + style]

        for path in paths:
            for location in locations:
                mapfile = os.path.join(path, location)
                if os.path.isfile(mapfile):
                    return style, mapfile

    raise RuntimeError("No hgweb templates found in %r" % paths)