setup: drop the hack to disable linker warning 4197 on Windows
I don't see this when building on Windows with py3.8 or py3.12, so either the
code was fixed, or (more likely) the compiler stopped warning about it some time
after VS 2008. If we do have to put this back, it would probably be better to
put a `#pragma` in a header file somewhere, and avoid `setuptools` technical
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# like ls -l, but do not print date, user, or non-common mode bit, to avoid
# using globs in tests.
import os
import stat
import sys
def modestr(st):
mode = st.st_mode
result = ''
if mode & stat.S_IFDIR:
result += 'd'
result += '-'
for owner in ['USR', 'GRP', 'OTH']:
for action in ['R', 'W', 'X']:
if mode & getattr(stat, 'S_I%s%s' % (action, owner)):
result += action.lower()
result += '-'
return result
def sizestr(st):
if st.st_mode & stat.S_IFREG:
return '%7d' % st.st_size
# do not show size for non regular files
return ' ' * 7
os.chdir((sys.argv[1:] + ['.'])[0])
for name in sorted(os.listdir('.')):
st = os.stat(name)
print('%s %s %s' % (modestr(st), sizestr(st), name))