remove: recurse into subrepositories with --subrepos/-S flag
Like 'forget', git and svn subrepos are currently not supported. Unfortunately
the name 'remove' is already used in the subrepo classes, so we break the
convention of naming the subrepo function after the command.
#require serve
Test raw style of hgweb
$ hg init test
$ cd test
$ mkdir sub
$ cat >'sub/some text%.txt' <<ENDSOME
> This is just some random text
> that will go inside the file and take a few lines.
> It is very boring to read, but computers don't
> care about things like that.
$ hg add 'sub/some text%.txt'
$ hg commit -d "1 0" -m "Just some text"
$ hg serve -p $HGPORT -A access.log -E error.log -d
$ cat >> $DAEMON_PIDS
$ ("$TESTDIR/" localhost:$HGPORT '?f=bf0ff59095c9;file=sub/some%20text%25.txt;style=raw' content-type content-length content-disposition) >getoutput.txt
$ cat getoutput.txt
200 Script output follows
content-type: application/binary
content-length: 157
content-disposition: inline; filename="some text%.txt"
This is just some random text
that will go inside the file and take a few lines.
It is very boring to read, but computers don't
care about things like that.
$ cat access.log error.log - - [*] "GET /?f=bf0ff59095c9;file=sub/some%20text%25.txt;style=raw HTTP/1.1" 200 - (glob)
$ rm access.log error.log
$ hg serve -p $HGPORT -A access.log -E error.log -d \
> --config web.guessmime=True
$ cat >> $DAEMON_PIDS
$ ("$TESTDIR/" localhost:$HGPORT '?f=bf0ff59095c9;file=sub/some%20text%25.txt;style=raw' content-type content-length content-disposition) >getoutput.txt
$ cat getoutput.txt
200 Script output follows
content-type: text/plain; charset="ascii"
content-length: 157
content-disposition: inline; filename="some text%.txt"
This is just some random text
that will go inside the file and take a few lines.
It is very boring to read, but computers don't
care about things like that.
$ cat access.log error.log - - [*] "GET /?f=bf0ff59095c9;file=sub/some%20text%25.txt;style=raw HTTP/1.1" 200 - (glob)
$ cd ..