bundleoperation: optionnaly record the `remote` that produced the bundle
We have the information at hand, and the peer now have knownledge of its `path` object, which constaints useful behavior configuration.
So the simpler seems to be to pass that object around so it can be used if
import unittest
from mercurial import mdiff
class splitnewlinesTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_splitnewlines(self):
cases = {
b'a\nb\nc\n': [b'a\n', b'b\n', b'c\n'],
b'a\nb\nc': [b'a\n', b'b\n', b'c'],
b'a\nb\nc\n\n': [b'a\n', b'b\n', b'c\n', b'\n'],
b'': [],
b'abcabc': [b'abcabc'],
for inp, want in cases.items():
self.assertEqual(mdiff.splitnewlines(inp), want)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import silenttestrunner