bundle2: transmit exception during part generation
If an exception is raised during a bundle2 part payload generation it is now
recorded in the bundle. If such exception occurs, we capture it, transmit an
abort exception through the bundle, cleanly close the current part payload and
raise it again. This allow to generate valid bundle even in case of exception so
that the consumer does not wait forever for a dead producer. This also allow to
raise the exception during unbundling at the exact point it happened during
bundling make debugging easier.
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
Vagrant.configure('2') do |config|
# Debian 7.4 32-bit i386 without configuration management software
config.vm.box = "puppetlabs/debian-7.4-32-nocm"
#config.vm.box = "pnd/debian-wheezy32-basebox"
config.vm.hostname = "tests"
config.vm.define "tests" do |conf|
conf.vm.provision :file, source: "run-tests.sh", destination:"run-tests.sh"
conf.vm.provision :shell, path: "provision.sh"
conf.vm.synced_folder "../..", "/hgshared"