view tests/f @ 37295:45b39c69fae0

wireproto: separate commands tables for version 1 and 2 commands We can't easily reuse existing command handlers for version 2 commands because the response types will be different. e.g. many commands return nodes encoded as hex. Our new wire protocol is binary safe, so we'll wish to encode nodes as binary. We /could/ teach each command handler to look at the protocol handler and change behavior based on the version in use. However, this would make logic a bit unwieldy over time and would make it harder to design a unified protocol handler interface. I think it's better to create a clean break between version 1 and version 2 of commands on the server. What I imagine happening is we will have separate @wireprotocommand functions for each protocol generation. Those functions will parse the request, dispatch to a common function to process it, then generate the response in its own, transport-specific manner. This commit establishes a separate table for tracking version 1 commands from version 2 commands. The HTTP server pieces have been updated to use this new table. Most commands are marked as both version 1 and version 2, so there is little practical impact to this change. A side-effect of this change is we now rely on transport registration in wireprototypes.TRANSPORTS and certain properties of the protocol interface. So a test had to be updated to conform. Differential Revision:
author Gregory Szorc <>
date Wed, 28 Mar 2018 10:40:41 -0700
parents 0585337ea787
children 06c85cbd6824
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python

Utility for inspecting files in various ways.

This tool is like the collection of tools found in a unix environment but are
cross platform and stable and suitable for our needs in the test suite.

This can be used instead of tools like:

from __future__ import absolute_import

import binascii
import glob
import hashlib
import optparse
import os
import re
import sys

# Python 3 adapters
ispy3 = (sys.version_info[0] >= 3)
if ispy3:
    def iterbytes(s):
        for i in range(len(s)):
            yield s[i:i + 1]
    iterbytes = iter

def visit(opts, filenames, outfile):
    """Process filenames in the way specified in opts, writing output to
    for f in sorted(filenames):
        isstdin = f == '-'
        if not isstdin and not os.path.lexists(f):
            outfile.write(b'%s: file not found\n' % f.encode('utf-8'))
        quiet = opts.quiet and not opts.recurse or isstdin
        isdir = os.path.isdir(f)
        islink = os.path.islink(f)
        isfile = os.path.isfile(f) and not islink
        dirfiles = None
        content = None
        facts = []
        if isfile:
            if opts.type:
            if any((opts.hexdump, opts.dump, opts.md5, opts.sha1, opts.sha256)):
                with open(f, 'rb') as fobj:
                    content =
        elif islink:
            if opts.type:
            content = os.readlink(f)
        elif isstdin:
            content = getattr(sys.stdin, 'buffer', sys.stdin).read()
            if opts.size:
                facts.append(b'size=%d' % len(content))
        elif isdir:
            if opts.recurse or opts.type:
                dirfiles = glob.glob(f + '/*')
                facts.append(b'directory with %d files' % len(dirfiles))
        elif opts.type:
            facts.append(b'type unknown')
        if not isstdin:
            stat = os.lstat(f)
            if opts.size and not isdir:
                facts.append(b'size=%d' % stat.st_size)
            if opts.mode and not islink:
                facts.append(b'mode=%o' % (stat.st_mode & 0o777))
            if opts.links:
                facts.append(b'links=%s' % stat.st_nlink)
            if opts.newer:
                # mtime might be in whole seconds so newer file might be same
                if stat.st_mtime >= os.stat(opts.newer).st_mtime:
                    facts.append(b'newer than %s' % opts.newer)
                    facts.append(b'older than %s' % opts.newer)
        if opts.md5 and content is not None:
            h = hashlib.md5(content)
            facts.append(b'md5=%s' % binascii.hexlify(h.digest())[:opts.bytes])
        if opts.sha1 and content is not None:
            h = hashlib.sha1(content)
            facts.append(b'sha1=%s' % binascii.hexlify(h.digest())[:opts.bytes])
        if opts.sha256 and content is not None:
            h = hashlib.sha256(content)
            facts.append(b'sha256=%s' %
        if isstdin:
            outfile.write(b', '.join(facts) + b'\n')
        elif facts:
            outfile.write(b'%s: %s\n' % (f.encode('utf-8'), b', '.join(facts)))
        elif not quiet:
            outfile.write(b'%s:\n' % f.encode('utf-8'))
        if content is not None:
            chunk = content
            if not islink:
                if opts.lines:
                    if opts.lines >= 0:
                        chunk = b''.join(chunk.splitlines(True)[:opts.lines])
                        chunk = b''.join(chunk.splitlines(True)[opts.lines:])
                if opts.bytes:
                    if opts.bytes >= 0:
                        chunk = chunk[:opts.bytes]
                        chunk = chunk[opts.bytes:]
            if opts.hexdump:
                for i in range(0, len(chunk), 16):
                    s = chunk[i:i + 16]
                    outfile.write(b'%04x: %-47s |%s|\n' %
                                  (i, b' '.join(
                                      b'%02x' % ord(c) for c in iterbytes(s)),
                                   re.sub(b'[^ -~]', b'.', s)))
            if opts.dump:
                if not quiet:
                if not quiet:
                    if chunk.endswith(b'\n'):
                        outfile.write(b'\n<<< no trailing newline\n')
        if opts.recurse and dirfiles:
            assert not isstdin
            visit(opts, dirfiles, outfile)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = optparse.OptionParser("%prog [options] [filenames]")
    parser.add_option("-t", "--type", action="store_true",
                      help="show file type (file or directory)")
    parser.add_option("-m", "--mode", action="store_true",
                      help="show file mode")
    parser.add_option("-l", "--links", action="store_true",
                      help="show number of links")
    parser.add_option("-s", "--size", action="store_true",
                      help="show size of file")
    parser.add_option("-n", "--newer", action="store",
                      help="check if file is newer (or same)")
    parser.add_option("-r", "--recurse", action="store_true",
                      help="recurse into directories")
    parser.add_option("-S", "--sha1", action="store_true",
                      help="show sha1 hash of the content")
    parser.add_option("", "--sha256", action="store_true",
                      help="show sha256 hash of the content")
    parser.add_option("-M", "--md5", action="store_true",
                      help="show md5 hash of the content")
    parser.add_option("-D", "--dump", action="store_true",
                      help="dump file content")
    parser.add_option("-H", "--hexdump", action="store_true",
                      help="hexdump file content")
    parser.add_option("-B", "--bytes", type="int",
                      help="number of characters to dump")
    parser.add_option("-L", "--lines", type="int",
                      help="number of lines to dump")
    parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true",
                      help="no default output")
    (opts, filenames) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
    if not filenames:
        filenames = ['-']

    visit(opts, filenames, getattr(sys.stdout, 'buffer', sys.stdout))