author Pulkit Goyal <>
Mon, 26 Mar 2018 08:33:57 -0700
changeset 37126 4bd73a955ab0
permissions -rw-r--r--
thirdparty: vendor cbor2 python library CBOR stands for Concise Binary Object Representation, which is a data format which is very compact and extensible. This patch moves the python library which can serilaize and deserialize python objects to/from cbor formats. The library is taken from from commit 84181540f6eb650437e3f73cd104a65661fe8e67. Unrequired files from the cbor library - docs/, tests/,, setup.cfg, and tox.ini - have not been vendored. There is another python library for cbor at which is used in evolve extension and was imported in initial version of this series. That library though contains C code and is bit faster, but has known bugs around serializing nested structures, is unmaintained, raises an Exception object instead of a more dedicated Error type. So, it's better to use a bug free and actively maintained library. This library is not yet used and will be used in later commits. # no-check-commit because we are importing a third library module Differential Revision:

language: python
sudo: false

  - name: test
  - name: deploy to pypi
    if: type = push AND tag =~ ^\d+\.\d+\.\d+

  fast_finish: true
    - env: TOXENV=flake8

    - env: TOXENV=pypy
      python: pypy3

    - env: TOXENV=pypy3
      python: pypy3

    - env: TOXENV=py27
      python: "2.7"
      after_success: &after_success
        - pip install coveralls
        - coveralls

    - env: TOXENV=py33
      python: "3.3"
      after_success: *after_success

    - env: TOXENV=py34
      python: "3.4"
      after_success: *after_success

    - env: TOXENV=py35
      python: "3.5"
      after_success: *after_success

    - env: TOXENV=py36
      python: "3.6"
      after_success: *after_success

    - stage: deploy to pypi
      install: pip install "setuptools >= 36.2.7"
      script: skip
        provider: pypi
        user: agronholm
          secure: 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
        distributions: sdist bdist_wheel
          tags: true

  - pip install "setuptools >= 36.2.7"
  - pip install tox

script: tox