author FUJIWARA Katsunori <foozy@lares.dti.ne.jp>
Wed, 13 Nov 2013 15:55:30 +0900
changeset 20176 4c96c50ef937
parent 20005 22154ec6fb8b
child 20688 a61ed1c2d7a7
permissions -rw-r--r--
subrepo: check phase of state in each subrepositories before committing Before this patch, phase of newly created commit is determined by "phases.new-commit" configuration regardless of phase of state in each subrepositories. For example, this may cause the "public" revision in the parent repository referring the "secret" one in subrepository. This patch checks phase of state in each subrepositories before committing in the parent, and aborts or changes phase of newly created commit if subrepositories have more restricted phase than the parent. This patch uses "follow" as default value of "phases.checksubrepos" configuration, because it can keep consistency between phases of the parent and subrepositories without breaking existing tool chains.

  $ cat > correct.py <<EOF
  > def toto(arg1, arg2):
  >     del arg2
  >     return (5 + 6, 9)
  > EOF
  $ cat > wrong.py <<EOF
  > def toto( arg1, arg2):
  >     del(arg2)
  >     return ( 5+6, 9)
  > EOF
  $ cat > quote.py <<EOF
  > # let's use quote in comments
  > (''' ( 4x5 )
  > but """\\''' and finally''',
  > """let's fool checkpatch""", '1+2',
  > '"""', 42+1, """and
  > ( 4-1 ) """, "( 1+1 )\" and ")
  > a, '\\\\\\\\', "\\\\\\" x-2", "c-1"
  > EOF
  $ cat > non-py24.py <<EOF
  > # Using builtins that does not exist in Python 2.4
  > if any():
  >     x = all()
  >     y = format(x)
  >     # next(generator) is new in 2.6
  >     z = next(x)
  >     # but generator.next() is okay
  >     x.next()
  >     # and we can make our own next
  >     def next(stuff):
  >         pass
  > # Do not complain about our own definition
  > def any(x):
  >     pass
  > # try/except/finally block does not exist in Python 2.4
  >     try:
  >         pass
  >     except StandardError, inst:
  >         pass
  >     finally:
  >         pass
  > # nested try/finally+try/except is allowed
  >     try:
  >         try:
  >             pass
  >         except StandardError, inst:
  >             pass
  >     finally:
  >         pass
  > # yield inside a try/finally block is not allowed in Python 2.4
  >     try:
  >         pass
  >         yield 1
  >     finally:
  >         pass
  >     try:
  >         yield
  >         pass
  >     finally:
  >         pass
  > EOF
  $ cat > classstyle.py <<EOF
  > class newstyle_class(object):
  >     pass
  > class oldstyle_class:
  >     pass
  > class empty():
  >     pass
  > no_class = 1:
  >     pass
  > EOF
  $ check_code="$TESTDIR"/../contrib/check-code.py
  $ "$check_code" ./wrong.py ./correct.py ./quote.py ./non-py24.py ./classstyle.py
   > def toto( arg1, arg2):
   gratuitous whitespace in () or []
   >     del(arg2)
   Python keyword is not a function
   >     return ( 5+6, 9)
   gratuitous whitespace in () or []
   missing whitespace in expression
   > '"""', 42+1, """and
   missing whitespace in expression
   > if any():
   any/all/format not available in Python 2.4
   >     x = all()
   any/all/format not available in Python 2.4
   >     y = format(x)
   any/all/format not available in Python 2.4
   >     z = next(x)
   no next(foo) in Python 2.4 and 2.5, use foo.next() instead
   >     try:
   no try/except/finally in Python 2.4
   >     try:
   no yield inside try/finally in Python 2.4
   >     try:
   no yield inside try/finally in Python 2.4
   > class oldstyle_class:
   old-style class, use class foo(object)
   > class empty():
   class foo() not available in Python 2.4, use class foo(object)
  $ cat > python3-compat.py << EOF
  > foo <> bar
  > reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, [1, 2, 3, 4])
  > EOF
  $ "$check_code" python3-compat.py
   > foo <> bar
   <> operator is not available in Python 3+, use !=
   > reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, [1, 2, 3, 4])
   reduce is not available in Python 3+

  $ cat > is-op.py <<EOF
  > # is-operator comparing number or string literal
  > x = None
  > y = x is 'foo'
  > y = x is "foo"
  > y = x is 5346
  > y = x is -6
  > y = x is not 'foo'
  > y = x is not "foo"
  > y = x is not 5346
  > y = x is not -6
  > EOF

  $ "$check_code" ./is-op.py
   > y = x is 'foo'
   object comparison with literal
   > y = x is "foo"
   object comparison with literal
   > y = x is 5346
   object comparison with literal
   > y = x is -6
   object comparison with literal
   > y = x is not 'foo'
   object comparison with literal
   > y = x is not "foo"
   object comparison with literal
   > y = x is not 5346
   object comparison with literal
   > y = x is not -6
   object comparison with literal

  $ cat > for-nolineno.py <<EOF
  > except:
  > EOF
  $ "$check_code" for-nolineno.py --nolineno
   > except:
   naked except clause

  $ cat > warning.t <<EOF
  >   $ function warnonly {
  >   > }
  >   $ diff -N aaa
  >   $ function onwarn {}
  > EOF
  $ "$check_code" warning.t
  $ "$check_code" --warn warning.t
   >   $ function warnonly {
   warning: don't use 'function', use old style
   >   $ diff -N aaa
   warning: don't use 'diff -N'
   >   $ function onwarn {}
   warning: don't use 'function', use old style
  $ cat > raise-format.py <<EOF
  > raise SomeException, message
  > # this next line is okay
  > raise SomeException(arg1, arg2)
  > EOF
  $ "$check_code" not-existing.py raise-format.py
  Skipping*not-existing.py* (glob)
   > raise SomeException, message
   don't use old-style two-argument raise, use Exception(message)

  $ cat > rst.py <<EOF
  > """problematic rst text
  > .. note::
  >     wrong
  > """
  > '''
  > .. note::
  >     valid
  > new text
  >     .. note::
  >         also valid
  > '''
  > """mixed
  > .. note::
  >   good
  >     .. note::
  >         plus bad
  > """
  > EOF
  $ $check_code -w rst.py
   > .. note::
   warning: add two newlines after '.. note::'
   >     .. note::
   warning: add two newlines after '.. note::'