view tests/ @ 13770:4e8f2310f310

url: provide url object This adds a url object that re-implements urlsplit() and unsplit(). The implementation splits out usernames, passwords, and ports. The implementation is based on the behavior specified by RFC 2396[1]. However, it is much more forgiving than the RFC's specification; it places no specific restrictions on what characters are allowed in each segment of the URL other than what is necessary to split the URL into its constituent parts. [1]:
author Brodie Rao <>
date Fri, 25 Mar 2011 22:58:56 -0700
parents 75d0c38a0bca
children 58b86b9149f1
line wrap: on
line source

import sys

def check(a, b):
    if a != b:
        print (a, b)

def cert(cn):
    return dict(subject=((('commonName', cn),),))

from mercurial.url import _verifycert

# Test non-wildcard certificates
check(_verifycert(cert(''), ''),
check(_verifycert(cert(''), ''),
      'certificate is for')
check(_verifycert(cert(''), ''),
      'certificate is for')

# Test wildcard certificates
check(_verifycert(cert('*'), ''),
check(_verifycert(cert('*'), ''),
      'certificate is for *')
check(_verifycert(cert('*'), ''),
      'certificate is for *')

# Test subjectAltName
san_cert = {'subject': ((('commonName', ''),),),
            'subjectAltName': (('DNS', '*'),
                               ('DNS', ''))}
check(_verifycert(san_cert, ''),
check(_verifycert(san_cert, ''),
# subject is only checked when subjectAltName is empty
check(_verifycert(san_cert, ''),
      'certificate is for *,')

# Avoid some pitfalls
check(_verifycert(cert('*.foo'), 'foo'),
      'certificate is for *.foo')
check(_verifycert(cert('*o'), 'foo'),
      'certificate is for *o')

check(_verifycert({'subject': ()},
      'no commonName or subjectAltName found in certificate')
check(_verifycert(None, ''),
      'no certificate received')

import doctest

def test_url():
    >>> from mercurial.url import url

    This tests for edge cases in url.URL's parsing algorithm. Most of
    these aren't useful for documentation purposes, so they aren't
    part of the class's doc tests.

    Query strings and fragments:

    >>> url('http://host/a?b#c')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: 'a', query: 'b', fragment: 'c'>
    >>> url('http://host/a?')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: 'a'>
    >>> url('http://host/a#b#c')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: 'a', fragment: 'b#c'>
    >>> url('http://host/a#b?c')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: 'a', fragment: 'b?c'>
    >>> url('http://host/?a#b')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: '', query: 'a', fragment: 'b'>
    >>> url('http://host/?a#b', parse_query=False)
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: '?a', fragment: 'b'>
    >>> url('http://host/?a#b', parse_fragment=False)
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: '', query: 'a#b'>
    >>> url('http://host/?a#b', parse_query=False, parse_fragment=False)
    <url scheme: 'http', host: 'host', path: '?a#b'>

    IPv6 addresses:

    >>> url('ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass?one')
    <url scheme: 'ldap', host: '[2001:db8::7]', path: 'c=GB',
         query: 'objectClass?one'>
    >>> url('ldap://joe:xxx@[2001:db8::7]:80/c=GB?objectClass?one')
    <url scheme: 'ldap', user: 'joe', passwd: 'xxx', host: '[2001:db8::7]',
         port: '80', path: 'c=GB', query: 'objectClass?one'>

    Missing scheme, host, etc.:

    >>> url('://')
    <url path: '://'>
    >>> url('')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: ''>
    >>> url('/foo')
    <url path: '/foo'>
    >>> url('bundle:/foo')
    <url scheme: 'bundle', path: '/foo'>
    >>> url('a?b#c')
    <url path: 'a?b', fragment: 'c'>
    >>> url('')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: '', query: 'arg=/foo'>
    >>> url('http://joe:xxx@/foo')
    <url scheme: 'http', user: 'joe', passwd: 'xxx', path: 'foo'>

    Just a scheme and a path:

    >>> url('')
    <url scheme: 'mailto', path: ''>
    >>> url('a:b:c:d')
    <url scheme: 'a', path: 'b:c:d'>

    SSH examples:

    >>> url('ssh://joe@host//home/joe')
    <url scheme: 'ssh', user: 'joe', host: 'host', path: '/home/joe'>
    >>> url('ssh://joe:xxx@host/src')
    <url scheme: 'ssh', user: 'joe', passwd: 'xxx', host: 'host', path: 'src'>
    >>> url('ssh://joe:xxx@host')
    <url scheme: 'ssh', user: 'joe', passwd: 'xxx', host: 'host'>
    >>> url('ssh://joe@host')
    <url scheme: 'ssh', user: 'joe', host: 'host'>
    >>> url('ssh://host')
    <url scheme: 'ssh', host: 'host'>
    >>> url('ssh://')
    <url scheme: 'ssh'>
    >>> url('ssh:')
    <url scheme: 'ssh'>

    Non-numeric port:

    >>> url('')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: '', port: 'dd'>
    >>> url('ssh://joe:xxx@host:ssh/foo')
    <url scheme: 'ssh', user: 'joe', passwd: 'xxx', host: 'host', port: 'ssh',
         path: 'foo'>

    Bad authentication credentials:

    >>> url('http://joe@joeville:123@4:@host/a?b#c')
    <url scheme: 'http', user: 'joe@joeville', passwd: '123@4:',
         host: 'host', path: 'a', query: 'b', fragment: 'c'>
    >>> url('http://!*#?/@!*#?/:@host/a?b#c')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: '!*', fragment: '?/@!*#?/:@host/a?b#c'>
    >>> url('http://!*#?@!*#?:@host/a?b#c')
    <url scheme: 'http', host: '!*', fragment: '?@!*#?:@host/a?b#c'>
    >>> url('http://!*@:!*@@host/a?b#c')
    <url scheme: 'http', user: '!*@', passwd: '!*@', host: 'host',
         path: 'a', query: 'b', fragment: 'c'>

    File paths:

    >>> url('a/b/c/d.g.f')
    <url path: 'a/b/c/d.g.f'>
    >>> url('/x///z/y/')
    <url path: '/x///z/y/'>

    Empty URL:

    >>> u = url('')
    >>> u
    <url path: ''>
    >>> str(u)

    Empty path with query string:

    >>> str(url('http://foo/?bar'))

    Invalid path:

    >>> u = url('http://foo/bar')
    >>> u.path = 'bar'
    >>> str(u)

    >>> u = url('file:///foo/bar/baz')
    >>> u
    <url scheme: 'file', path: '/foo/bar/baz'>
    >>> str(u)


# Unicode (IDN) certname isn't supported
check(_verifycert(cert(u'\'), ''),
      'IDN in certificate not supported')