osutil.c: Support for py3k added.
This patch adds support for py3k in osutil.c. This is accomplished by including
a header file responsible for abstracting the API differences between python 2
and python 3.
listdir_stat_type is also changed in the following way: A previous call to
PyObject_HEAD_INIT is substituted to a call to PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT, which
makes the object buildable in both python 2.x and 3.x without weird warnings.
After testing on windows, some modifications were also made in the posixfile
function, as it calls PyFile_FromFile and PyFile_SetBufSize, which are gone in
py3k. In py3k the PyFile_* API is, actually a wrapper over the io module, and
code has been adapted accordingly to fit py3k.
# RelaxNG schema for "xml" log style
# Inspired by Subversion's XML log format.
start = log
node.type = xsd:string {minLength = "40" maxLength = "40"}
log = element log { logentry+ }
logentry = element logentry {
branch*, tag*, hgparent*,
author, date,
msg, paths?, copies?, extra*
logentry.attlist =
attribute revision {xsd:nonNegativeInteger}
& attribute node {node.type}
branch = element branch { text }
tag = element tag { text }
hgparent = element parent {hgparent.attlist, text}
hgparent.attlist =
attribute revision {xsd:integer {minInclusive = "-1"} }
& attribute node {node.type}
author = element author { author.attlist, text }
author.attlist =
attribute email {text}
date = element date {xsd:dateTime}
msg = element msg {msg.attlist, text}
msg.attlist =
attribute xml:space {"preserve"}
paths = element paths { path* }
path = element path { path.attlist, text }
path.attlist =
# Action: (A)dd, (M)odify, (R)emove
attribute action {"A"|"M"|"R"}
copies = element copies { copy+ }
copy = element copy { copy.attlist, text }
copy.attlist =
attribute source {text}
extra = element extra {extra.attlist, text}
extra.attlist =
attribute key {text}