author Yuya Nishihara <yuya@tcha.org>
Fri, 06 Feb 2015 00:06:47 +0900
changeset 24061 4fa72a09c73d
parent 23409 dc4d2cd3aa3e
child 24543 747401086a38
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
graphlog: remove useless check for empty repo when --follow is specified This prepares for extracting common part from getgraphlogrevs() and getlogrevs(). getlogrevs() does not handle empty repo specially. When it was added at d74099ac2ac1, revs were build by old-style query, '.:0'. So I think the purpose of "len(repo) > 0" was to handle the case of . = null. Currently it isn't necessary for 'reverse(:.)', and it does not work if repo is not empty but p1 is null. $ hg up null $ hg glog --follow -T '{rev}:{node|short}\n' o 0:0a04b987be5a The subsequent patch will fix this problem, so drops the wrong version for now.

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""This does HTTP GET requests given a host:port and path and returns
a subset of the headers plus the body of the result."""

import httplib, sys

    import msvcrt, os
    msvcrt.setmode(sys.stdout.fileno(), os.O_BINARY)
    msvcrt.setmode(sys.stderr.fileno(), os.O_BINARY)
except ImportError:

twice = False
if '--twice' in sys.argv:
    twice = True
headeronly = False
if '--headeronly' in sys.argv:
    headeronly = True

reasons = {'Not modified': 'Not Modified'} # python 2.4

tag = None
def request(host, path, show):
    assert not path.startswith('/'), path
    global tag
    headers = {}
    if tag:
        headers['If-None-Match'] = tag

    conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host)
    conn.request("GET", '/' + path, None, headers)
    response = conn.getresponse()
    print response.status, reasons.get(response.reason, response.reason)
    if show[:1] == ['-']:
        show = sorted(h for h, v in response.getheaders()
                      if h.lower() not in show)
    for h in [h.lower() for h in show]:
        if response.getheader(h, None) is not None:
            print "%s: %s" % (h, response.getheader(h))
    if not headeronly:
        data = response.read()

        if twice and response.getheader('ETag', None):
            tag = response.getheader('ETag')

    return response.status

status = request(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3:])
if twice:
    status = request(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3:])

if 200 <= status <= 305: