author Boris Feld <>
Tue, 11 Jul 2017 05:06:01 +0200
changeset 33409 50243c975fc2
parent 32336 ff874d34c856
child 40291 170926caf44c
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
bundle2: no longer use 'retractboundary' in updatephases The new 'phase-heads' forced all added node to secret before advancing the boundary to work around the fact changesets were added as draft by default. This is no longer necessary since the changegroup part can now use the 'targetphase' parameter. Not doing this retract boundary call has a couple of advantages: * This makes implementing phases change tracking in the transaction much simpler since retract boundary can become a rare case. * Bundling secret changesets is not the norm. Exchange never does that and even for strip, the use-case is not common.Skipping the retract boundary will avoid useless work here. * Sending phase update on push can be simplified since we can rely on the behavior of 'cg.apply' for most of it. This means less phases update send for example. * We no longer needs to track and use the addednodes during unbundling. This make it possible to have multiple 'changegroup' and 'phase-heads' parts in the same bundle without them interfering with each others. The new part has not been part of any release yet so we do not offer backward compatibility yet. It is important to update this semantic before the 4.3 freeze happens.

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""usage: %s DOC ...

where DOC is the name of a document

from __future__ import absolute_import

import os
import sys
import textwrap

# This script is executed during installs and may not have C extensions
# available. Relax C module requirements.
os.environ['HGMODULEPOLICY'] = 'allow'
# import from the live mercurial repo
sys.path.insert(0, "..")
from mercurial import demandimport; demandimport.enable()
# Load util so that the locale path is set by i18n.setdatapath() before
# calling _().
from mercurial import util
from mercurial import (
    ui as uimod,
from mercurial.i18n import (

table = commands.table
globalopts = commands.globalopts
helptable = help.helptable
loaddoc = help.loaddoc

def get_desc(docstr):
    if not docstr:
        return "", ""
    # sanitize
    docstr = docstr.strip("\n")
    docstr = docstr.rstrip()
    shortdesc = docstr.splitlines()[0].strip()

    i = docstr.find("\n")
    if i != -1:
        desc = docstr[i + 2:]
        desc = shortdesc

    desc = textwrap.dedent(desc)

    return (shortdesc, desc)

def get_opts(opts):
    for opt in opts:
        if len(opt) == 5:
            shortopt, longopt, default, desc, optlabel = opt
            shortopt, longopt, default, desc = opt
            optlabel = _("VALUE")
        allopts = []
        if shortopt:
            allopts.append("-%s" % shortopt)
        if longopt:
            allopts.append("--%s" % longopt)
        if isinstance(default, list):
            allopts[-1] += " <%s[+]>" % optlabel
        elif (default is not None) and not isinstance(default, bool):
            allopts[-1] += " <%s>" % optlabel
        if '\n' in desc:
            # only remove line breaks and indentation
            desc = ' '.join(l.lstrip() for l in desc.split('\n'))
        desc += default and _(" (default: %s)") % default or ""
        yield (", ".join(allopts), desc)

def get_cmd(cmd, cmdtable):
    d = {}
    attr = cmdtable[cmd]
    cmds = cmd.lstrip("^").split("|")

    d['cmd'] = cmds[0]
    d['aliases'] = cmd.split("|")[1:]
    d['desc'] = get_desc(gettext(attr[0].__doc__))
    d['opts'] = list(get_opts(attr[1]))

    s = 'hg ' + cmds[0]
    if len(attr) > 2:
        if not attr[2].startswith('hg'):
            s += ' ' + attr[2]
            s = attr[2]
    d['synopsis'] = s.strip()

    return d

def showdoc(ui):
    # print options
    multioccur = False
    for optstr, desc in get_opts(globalopts):
        ui.write("%s\n    %s\n\n" % (optstr, desc))
        if optstr.endswith("[+]>"):
            multioccur = True
    if multioccur:
        ui.write(_("\n[+] marked option can be specified multiple times\n"))

    # print cmds
    commandprinter(ui, table, minirst.subsection)

    # print help topics
    # The config help topic is included in the hgrc.5 man page.
    helpprinter(ui, helptable, minirst.section, exclude=['config'])

    ui.write(_("This section contains help for extensions that are "
               "distributed together with Mercurial. Help for other "
               "extensions is available in the help system."))
             ".. contents::\n"
             "   :class: htmlonly\n"
             "   :local:\n"
             "   :depth: 1\n\n"))

    for extensionname in sorted(allextensionnames()):
        mod = extensions.load(ui, extensionname, None)
        ui.write("%s\n\n" % gettext(mod.__doc__))
        cmdtable = getattr(mod, 'cmdtable', None)
        if cmdtable:
            commandprinter(ui, cmdtable, minirst.subsubsubsection)

def showtopic(ui, topic):
    extrahelptable = [
        (["common"], '', loaddoc('common')),
        (["hg.1"], '', loaddoc('hg.1')),
        (["hg-ssh.8"], '', loaddoc('hg-ssh.8')),
        (["hgignore.5"], '', loaddoc('hgignore.5')),
        (["hgrc.5"], '', loaddoc('hgrc.5')),
        (["hgignore.5.gendoc"], '', loaddoc('hgignore')),
        (["hgrc.5.gendoc"], '', loaddoc('config')),
    helpprinter(ui, helptable + extrahelptable, None, include=[topic])

def helpprinter(ui, helptable, sectionfunc, include=[], exclude=[]):
    for names, sec, doc in helptable:
        if exclude and names[0] in exclude:
        if include and names[0] not in include:
        for name in names:
            ui.write(".. _%s:\n" % name)
        if sectionfunc:
        if callable(doc):
            doc = doc(ui)

def commandprinter(ui, cmdtable, sectionfunc):
    h = {}
    for c, attr in cmdtable.items():
        f = c.split("|")[0]
        f = f.lstrip("^")
        h[f] = c
    cmds = h.keys()

    for f in cmds:
        if f.startswith("debug"):
        d = get_cmd(h[f], cmdtable)
        # short description
        # synopsis
        synopsislines = d['synopsis'].splitlines()
        for line in synopsislines:
            # some commands (such as rebase) have a multi-line
            # synopsis
            ui.write("   %s\n" % line)
        # description
        ui.write("%s\n\n" % d['desc'][1])
        # options
        opt_output = list(d['opts'])
        if opt_output:
            opts_len = max([len(line[0]) for line in opt_output])
            multioccur = False
            for optstr, desc in opt_output:
                if desc:
                    s = "%-*s  %s" % (opts_len, optstr, desc)
                    s = optstr
                ui.write("%s\n" % s)
                if optstr.endswith("[+]>"):
                    multioccur = True
            if multioccur:
                ui.write(_("\n[+] marked option can be specified"
                           " multiple times\n"))
        # aliases
        if d['aliases']:
            ui.write(_("    aliases: %s\n\n") % " ".join(d['aliases']))

def allextensionnames():
    return extensions.enabled().keys() + extensions.disabled().keys()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    doc = 'hg.1.gendoc'
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        doc = sys.argv[1]

    ui = uimod.ui.load()
    if doc == 'hg.1.gendoc':
        showtopic(ui, sys.argv[1])