convert: keep branch switching merges with ancestors (
When running convert with a filemap, merge parents which are ancestors
of other parents are ignored. This is hardly a problem when parents
belong to the same branch, but the result could be confusing when named
branches are involved. With:
-o-a1-a2-a3... <- A
\ \
b1-b2-b3...-m- <- B
If all b* revisions are discarded, it is useful to preserve 'm' even if
it is empty after filtering to record the branch switch.
This patch makes filemap preserve "ancestor parents" if there is no
"non-ancestor parent" on the same branch than the merge revision.
- I am not completely convinced by the reasons given above and those
detailed by Matt in this thread:
The properties we try to preserve are not clearly defined. That said,
I know this patch already helped someone on IRC and the tests output
look reasonable.
- This is a new version of the original "convert: filemap must preserve
fast-forward merges" patch. It has exactly the same output for 2
parents merges, the additional complexity is here to handle more than
two parents.
# RelaxNG schema for "xml" log style
# Inspired by Subversion's XML log format.
start = log
node.type = xsd:string {minLength = "40" maxLength = "40"}
log = element log { logentry+ }
logentry = element logentry {
branch*, tag*, hgparent*,
author, date,
msg, paths?, copies?, extra*
logentry.attlist =
attribute revision {xsd:nonNegativeInteger}
& attribute node {node.type}
branch = element branch { text }
tag = element tag { text }
hgparent = element parent {hgparent.attlist, text}
hgparent.attlist =
attribute revision {xsd:integer {minInclusive = "-1"} }
& attribute node {node.type}
author = element author { author.attlist, text }
author.attlist =
attribute email {text}
date = element date {xsd:dateTime}
msg = element msg {msg.attlist, text}
msg.attlist =
attribute xml:space {"preserve"}
paths = element paths { path* }
path = element path { path.attlist, text }
path.attlist =
# Action: (A)dd, (M)odify, (R)emove
attribute action {"A"|"M"|"R"}
copies = element copies { copy+ }
copy = element copy { copy.attlist, text }
copy.attlist =
attribute source {text}
extra = element extra {extra.attlist, text}
extra.attlist =
attribute key {text}