misc: replace domain of mercurial ML address by mercurial-scm.org
This patch also adds new check-code.py pattern to detect invalid usage
of "mercurial@selenic.com".
Change for test-convert-tla.t is tested, but similar change for almost
same test-convert-baz.t isn't yet tested actually, because I couldn't
find out the way to get "GNU Arch baz client".
AFAIK, buildbot skips test-convert-baz.t, too. Does anybody have
appropriate environment for testing?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
<?include defines.wxi ?>
<?define hglocales =
<ComponentGroup Id="localeFolder">
<?foreach LOC in $(var.hglocales) ?>
<ComponentRef Id="hg.locale.$(var.LOC)"/>
<DirectoryRef Id="INSTALLDIR">
<Directory Id="localedir" Name="locale" FileSource="$(var.SourceDir)">
<?foreach LOC in $(var.hglocales) ?>
<Directory Id="hg.locale.$(var.LOC)" Name="$(var.LOC)">
<Directory Id="hg.locale.$(var.LOC).LC_MESSAGES" Name="LC_MESSAGES">
<Component Id="hg.locale.$(var.LOC)" Guid="*" Win64='$(var.IsX64)'>
<File Id="hg.mo.$(var.LOC)" Name="hg.mo" KeyPath="yes" />