author Drew Gottlieb <drgott@google.com>
Tue, 07 Apr 2015 15:18:52 -0700
changeset 24646 5693c834bcb4
parent 24395 216fa1ba9993
child 25748 baea47cafe75
permissions -rw-r--r--
manifest: move changectx.walk() to manifests The logic of walking a manifest to yield files matching a match object is currently being done by context, not the manifest itself. This moves the walk() function to both manifestdict and treemanifest. This separate implementation will also permit differing, optimized implementations for each manifest.

# monotone.py - monotone support for the convert extension
#  Copyright 2008, 2009 Mikkel Fahnoe Jorgensen <mikkel@dvide.com> and
#  others
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

import os, re
from mercurial import util
from common import NoRepo, commit, converter_source, checktool
from common import commandline
from mercurial.i18n import _

class monotone_source(converter_source, commandline):
    def __init__(self, ui, path=None, rev=None):
        converter_source.__init__(self, ui, path, rev)
        commandline.__init__(self, ui, 'mtn')

        self.ui = ui
        self.path = path
        self.automatestdio = False
        self.rev = rev

        norepo = NoRepo(_("%s does not look like a monotone repository")
                        % path)
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, '_MTN')):
            # Could be a monotone repository (SQLite db file)
                f = file(path, 'rb')
                header = f.read(16)
            except IOError:
                header = ''
            if header != 'SQLite format 3\x00':
                raise norepo

        # regular expressions for parsing monotone output
        space    = r'\s*'
        name     = r'\s+"((?:\\"|[^"])*)"\s*'
        value    = name
        revision = r'\s+\[(\w+)\]\s*'
        lines    = r'(?:.|\n)+'

        self.dir_re      = re.compile(space + "dir" + name)
        self.file_re     = re.compile(space + "file" + name +
                                      "content" + revision)
        self.add_file_re = re.compile(space + "add_file" + name +
                                      "content" + revision)
        self.patch_re    = re.compile(space + "patch" + name +
                                      "from" + revision + "to" + revision)
        self.rename_re   = re.compile(space + "rename" + name + "to" + name)
        self.delete_re   = re.compile(space + "delete" + name)
        self.tag_re      = re.compile(space + "tag" + name + "revision" +
        self.cert_re     = re.compile(lines + space + "name" + name +
                                      "value" + value)

        attr = space + "file" + lines + space + "attr" + space
        self.attr_execute_re = re.compile(attr  + '"mtn:execute"' +
                                          space + '"true"')

        # cached data
        self.manifest_rev = None
        self.manifest = None
        self.files = None
        self.dirs  = None

        checktool('mtn', abort=False)

    def mtnrun(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.automatestdio:
            return self.mtnrunstdio(*args, **kwargs)
            return self.mtnrunsingle(*args, **kwargs)

    def mtnrunsingle(self, *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs['d'] = self.path
        return self.run0('automate', *args, **kwargs)

    def mtnrunstdio(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Prepare the command in automate stdio format
        command = []
        for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
            command.append("%s:%s" % (len(k), k))
            if v:
                command.append("%s:%s" % (len(v), v))
        if command:
            command.insert(0, 'o')

        for arg in args:
            command += "%s:%s" % (len(arg), arg)
        command = ''.join(command)

        self.ui.debug("mtn: sending '%s'\n" % command)

        return self.mtnstdioreadcommandoutput(command)

    def mtnstdioreadpacket(self):
        read = None
        commandnbr = ''
        while read != ':':
            read = self.mtnreadfp.read(1)
            if not read:
                raise util.Abort(_('bad mtn packet - no end of commandnbr'))
            commandnbr += read
        commandnbr = commandnbr[:-1]

        stream = self.mtnreadfp.read(1)
        if stream not in 'mewptl':
            raise util.Abort(_('bad mtn packet - bad stream type %s') % stream)

        read = self.mtnreadfp.read(1)
        if read != ':':
            raise util.Abort(_('bad mtn packet - no divider before size'))

        read = None
        lengthstr = ''
        while read != ':':
            read = self.mtnreadfp.read(1)
            if not read:
                raise util.Abort(_('bad mtn packet - no end of packet size'))
            lengthstr += read
            length = long(lengthstr[:-1])
        except TypeError:
            raise util.Abort(_('bad mtn packet - bad packet size %s')
                % lengthstr)

        read = self.mtnreadfp.read(length)
        if len(read) != length:
            raise util.Abort(_("bad mtn packet - unable to read full packet "
                "read %s of %s") % (len(read), length))

        return (commandnbr, stream, length, read)

    def mtnstdioreadcommandoutput(self, command):
        retval = []
        while True:
            commandnbr, stream, length, output = self.mtnstdioreadpacket()
            self.ui.debug('mtn: read packet %s:%s:%s\n' %
                (commandnbr, stream, length))

            if stream == 'l':
                # End of command
                if output != '0':
                    raise util.Abort(_("mtn command '%s' returned %s") %
                        (command, output))
            elif stream in 'ew':
                # Error, warning output
                self.ui.warn(_('%s error:\n') % self.command)
            elif stream == 'p':
                # Progress messages
                self.ui.debug('mtn: ' + output)
            elif stream == 'm':
                # Main stream - command output

        return ''.join(retval)

    def mtnloadmanifest(self, rev):
        if self.manifest_rev == rev:
        self.manifest = self.mtnrun("get_manifest_of", rev).split("\n\n")
        self.manifest_rev = rev
        self.files = {}
        self.dirs = {}

        for e in self.manifest:
            m = self.file_re.match(e)
            if m:
                attr = ""
                name = m.group(1)
                node = m.group(2)
                if self.attr_execute_re.match(e):
                    attr += "x"
                self.files[name] = (node, attr)
            m = self.dir_re.match(e)
            if m:
                self.dirs[m.group(1)] = True

    def mtnisfile(self, name, rev):
        # a non-file could be a directory or a deleted or renamed file
        return name in self.files

    def mtnisdir(self, name, rev):
        return name in self.dirs

    def mtngetcerts(self, rev):
        certs = {"author":"<missing>", "date":"<missing>",
            "changelog":"<missing>", "branch":"<missing>"}
        certlist = self.mtnrun("certs", rev)
        # mtn < 0.45:
        #   key "test@selenic.com"
        # mtn >= 0.45:
        #   key [ff58a7ffb771907c4ff68995eada1c4da068d328]
        certlist = re.split('\n\n      key ["\[]', certlist)
        for e in certlist:
            m = self.cert_re.match(e)
            if m:
                name, value = m.groups()
                value = value.replace(r'\"', '"')
                value = value.replace(r'\\', '\\')
                certs[name] = value
        # Monotone may have subsecond dates: 2005-02-05T09:39:12.364306
        # and all times are stored in UTC
        certs["date"] = certs["date"].split('.')[0] + " UTC"
        return certs

    # implement the converter_source interface:

    def getheads(self):
        if not self.rev:
            return self.mtnrun("leaves").splitlines()
            return [self.rev]

    def getchanges(self, rev, full):
        if full:
            raise util.Abort(_("convert from monotone do not support --full"))
        revision = self.mtnrun("get_revision", rev).split("\n\n")
        files = {}
        ignoremove = {}
        renameddirs = []
        copies = {}
        for e in revision:
            m = self.add_file_re.match(e)
            if m:
                files[m.group(1)] = rev
                ignoremove[m.group(1)] = rev
            m = self.patch_re.match(e)
            if m:
                files[m.group(1)] = rev
            # Delete/rename is handled later when the convert engine
            # discovers an IOError exception from getfile,
            # but only if we add the "from" file to the list of changes.
            m = self.delete_re.match(e)
            if m:
                files[m.group(1)] = rev
            m = self.rename_re.match(e)
            if m:
                toname = m.group(2)
                fromname = m.group(1)
                if self.mtnisfile(toname, rev):
                    ignoremove[toname] = 1
                    copies[toname] = fromname
                    files[toname] = rev
                    files[fromname] = rev
                elif self.mtnisdir(toname, rev):
                    renameddirs.append((fromname, toname))

        # Directory renames can be handled only once we have recorded
        # all new files
        for fromdir, todir in renameddirs:
            renamed = {}
            for tofile in self.files:
                if tofile in ignoremove:
                if tofile.startswith(todir + '/'):
                    renamed[tofile] = fromdir + tofile[len(todir):]
                    # Avoid chained moves like:
                    # d1(/a) => d3/d1(/a)
                    # d2 => d3
                    ignoremove[tofile] = 1
            for tofile, fromfile in renamed.items():
                self.ui.debug (_("copying file in renamed directory "
                                 "from '%s' to '%s'")
                               % (fromfile, tofile), '\n')
                files[tofile] = rev
                copies[tofile] = fromfile
            for fromfile in renamed.values():
                files[fromfile] = rev

        return (files.items(), copies, set())

    def getfile(self, name, rev):
        if not self.mtnisfile(name, rev):
            return None, None
            data = self.mtnrun("get_file_of", name, r=rev)
        except Exception:
            return None, None
        node, attr = self.files.get(name, (None, ""))
        return data, attr

    def getcommit(self, rev):
        extra = {}
        certs = self.mtngetcerts(rev)
        if certs.get('suspend') == certs["branch"]:
            extra['close'] = 1
        return commit(
            date=util.datestr(util.strdate(certs["date"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")),
            parents=self.mtnrun("parents", rev).splitlines(),

    def gettags(self):
        tags = {}
        for e in self.mtnrun("tags").split("\n\n"):
            m = self.tag_re.match(e)
            if m:
                tags[m.group(1)] = m.group(2)
        return tags

    def getchangedfiles(self, rev, i):
        # This function is only needed to support --filemap
        # ... and we don't support that
        raise NotImplementedError

    def before(self):
        # Check if we have a new enough version to use automate stdio
        version = 0.0
            versionstr = self.mtnrunsingle("interface_version")
            version = float(versionstr)
        except Exception:
            raise util.Abort(_("unable to determine mtn automate interface "

        if version >= 12.0:
            self.automatestdio = True
            self.ui.debug("mtn automate version %s - using automate stdio\n" %

            # launch the long-running automate stdio process
            self.mtnwritefp, self.mtnreadfp = self._run2('automate', 'stdio',
                '-d', self.path)
            # read the headers
            read = self.mtnreadfp.readline()
            if read != 'format-version: 2\n':
                raise util.Abort(_('mtn automate stdio header unexpected: %s')
                    % read)
            while read != '\n':
                read = self.mtnreadfp.readline()
                if not read:
                    raise util.Abort(_("failed to reach end of mtn automate "
                        "stdio headers"))
            self.ui.debug("mtn automate version %s - not using automate stdio "
                "(automate >= 12.0 - mtn >= 0.46 is needed)\n" % version)

    def after(self):
        if self.automatestdio:
            self.mtnwritefp = None
            self.mtnreadfp = None