view pyproject.toml @ 48004:58fe6d127a01 stable

pep-517: remove the `build-backend` key to allow for users to build extensions PEP 517 changed how projects should define their build dependencies. The presence of a `pyproject.toml` file changes the behavior of `pip` to conform to PEP 517. Since we haven't updated the `` file yet (I'm not even sure we're not an edge case which would make it harder/impossible, I have not tried yet), this is a workaround to issue6589: it allows users to pass `--no-use-pep517` to pip to revert to the legacy installer. The build backend is simply assumed to be the `build_meta:__legacy__` one. Differential Revision:
author Raphaël Gomès <>
date Thu, 09 Sep 2021 10:42:28 +0200
parents d4c8b4b90ecb
line wrap: on
line source

requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]

line-length = 80
exclude = '''
| wheelhouse/
| dist/
| packages/
| \.hg/
| \.mypy_cache/
| \.venv/
| mercurial/thirdparty/
skip-string-normalization = true
quiet = true