test-https: properly conditionalize Windows vs non-Windows output
There's a bug in the (feature !) annotation, and this needs to be resolved
before fixing it. Once fixed, the glob '*/missing' will match the output
'/missing' on non-Windows platforms, consuming the output line and leaving
nothing for the no-windows required line.
I probably should have made (foo !) match only the 'foo' feature, and be ignored
otherwise instead of optional. (re) didn't work here, because the parenthesis
need to be escaped too.
lsprofcalltree.py - lsprof output which is readable by kcachegrind
* David Allouche <david <at> allouche.net>
* Jp Calderone & Itamar Shtull-Trauring
* Johan Dahlin
This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
def label(code):
if isinstance(code, str):
return '~' + code # built-in functions ('~' sorts at the end)
return '%s %s:%d' % (code.co_name,
class KCacheGrind(object):
def __init__(self, profiler):
self.data = profiler.getstats()
self.out_file = None
def output(self, out_file):
self.out_file = out_file
print('events: Ticks', file=out_file)
for entry in self.data:
def _print_summary(self):
max_cost = 0
for entry in self.data:
totaltime = int(entry.totaltime * 1000)
max_cost = max(max_cost, totaltime)
print('summary: %d' % max_cost, file=self.out_file)
def _entry(self, entry):
out_file = self.out_file
code = entry.code
if isinstance(code, str):
print('fi=~', file=out_file)
print('fi=%s' % code.co_filename, file=out_file)
print('fn=%s' % label(code), file=out_file)
inlinetime = int(entry.inlinetime * 1000)
if isinstance(code, str):
print('0 ', inlinetime, file=out_file)
print('%d %d' % (code.co_firstlineno, inlinetime), file=out_file)
# recursive calls are counted in entry.calls
if entry.calls:
calls = entry.calls
calls = []
if isinstance(code, str):
lineno = 0
lineno = code.co_firstlineno
for subentry in calls:
self._subentry(lineno, subentry)
def _subentry(self, lineno, subentry):
out_file = self.out_file
code = subentry.code
print('cfn=%s' % label(code), file=out_file)
if isinstance(code, str):
print('cfi=~', file=out_file)
print('calls=%d 0' % subentry.callcount, file=out_file)
print('cfi=%s' % code.co_filename, file=out_file)
print('calls=%d %d' % (
subentry.callcount, code.co_firstlineno), file=out_file)
totaltime = int(subentry.totaltime * 1000)
print('%d %d' % (lineno, totaltime), file=out_file)