log-style: add a log style that is default+phase (
There is a new style called phases style.
hg log --style phases
Why do we need this new style - in what way is it different from or similar to
existing styles?
The new style is default + phases information. With the new phases feature the
users exhibited their desire for a new style that could help them.
Why do this need a new style - couldn't it be folded into an existing style?
The default style and the new one are about the same, the difference is the
phases tag. The users find both styles useful, this means that the both styles
must exist.
@echo off
rem Windows Driver script for Mercurial
set HG=%~f0
rem Use a full path to Python (relative to this script) if it exists,
rem as the standard Python install does not put python.exe on the PATH...
rem Otherwise, expect that python.exe can be found on the PATH.
rem %~dp0 is the directory of this script
if exist "%~dp0..\python.exe" (
"%~dp0..\python" "%~dp0hg" %*
) else (
python "%~dp0hg" %*