changegroup: avoid large copies
- handle chunk headers separately rather than prepending them to
(potentially large) chunks
- break large chunks into 1M pieces for compression
- don't prepend file metadata onto (potentially large) file data
echo "[extensions]" >> $HGRCPATH
echo "convert=" >> $HGRCPATH
hg init a
cd a
echo a > a
hg ci -d'0 0' -Ama
hg cp a b
hg ci -d'1 0' -mb
hg rm a
hg ci -d'2 0' -mc
hg mv b a
hg ci -d'3 0' -md
echo a >> a
hg ci -d'4 0' -me
cd ..
hg convert a 2>&1 | grep -v 'subversion python bindings could not be loaded'
hg --cwd a-hg pull ../a