highlight: put pygments import inside demandimport.deactivated
I tripped on some weirdness relating to _thread vs threading way down
in a dep of highlight recently. I'm not really sure why I'm only just
seeing this defect now, but experimentally this fixes the problem, and
shouldn't cause any load-time slowness for people until pygments is
actually about to be used since highlight.highlight is still lazily
loaded in the highlight/__init__.py file.
#require test-repo
$ . "$TESTDIR/helpers-testrepo.sh"
$ cd "`dirname "$TESTDIR"`"
look for python scripts that do not use /usr/bin/env
$ hg files 'set:grep(r"^#!.*?python") and not grep(r"^#!/usr/bi{1}n/env python")'
look for shell scripts that do not use /bin/sh
$ hg files 'set:grep(r"^#!.*/bi{1}n/sh") and not grep(r"^#!/bi{1}n/sh")'