author timeless <timeless@mozdev.org>
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 04:30:38 +0000
changeset 27602 67aa88e00fc7
parent 16512 c58bdecdb800
child 28947 812eb3b7dc43
permissions -rw-r--r--
run-tests: fix get port to try differing ports The code was moving its offset each time through the loop, but because it failed to update port, the port was not going to be available...

# Read the output of a "svn log --xml" command on stdin, parse it and
# print a subset of attributes common to all svn versions tested by
# hg.
import xml.dom.minidom, sys

def xmltext(e):
    return ''.join(c.data for c
                   in e.childNodes
                   if c.nodeType == c.TEXT_NODE)

def parseentry(entry):
    e = {}
    e['revision'] = entry.getAttribute('revision')
    e['author'] = xmltext(entry.getElementsByTagName('author')[0])
    e['msg'] = xmltext(entry.getElementsByTagName('msg')[0])
    e['paths'] = []
    paths = entry.getElementsByTagName('paths')
    if paths:
        paths = paths[0]
        for p in paths.getElementsByTagName('path'):
            action = p.getAttribute('action')
            path = xmltext(p)
            frompath = p.getAttribute('copyfrom-path')
            fromrev = p.getAttribute('copyfrom-rev')
            e['paths'].append((path, action, frompath, fromrev))
    return e

def parselog(data):
    entries = []
    doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(data)
    for e in doc.getElementsByTagName('logentry'):
    return entries

def printentries(entries):
    fp = sys.stdout
    for e in entries:
        for k in ('revision', 'author', 'msg'):
            fp.write(('%s: %s\n' % (k, e[k])).encode('utf-8'))
        for path, action, fpath, frev in sorted(e['paths']):
            frominfo = ''
            if frev:
                frominfo = ' (from %s@%s)' % (fpath, frev)
            p = ' %s %s%s\n' % (action, path, frominfo)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    data = sys.stdin.read()
    entries = parselog(data)