author Patrick Mezard <>
Fri, 04 Mar 2011 14:00:49 +0100
changeset 13531 67fbe566eff1
parent 13345 b8214d871338
child 14316 d5b525697ddb
permissions -rw-r--r--
subrepo: handle svn tracked/unknown directory collisions This happens more often than expected. Say you have an svn subrepository with python code. Python would have generated unknown .pyc files. Now, you rebase this setup on a revision where a directory containing python code does not exist. Subversion is first asked to remove this directory when updating, but will not because it contains untracked items. Then it will have to bring back the directory after the merge but will fail because it now collides with an untracked directory. Using --force is not very elegant but it is much simpler than rewriting our own purge command for subversion.

import os, sys, textwrap
# import from the live mercurial repo
sys.path.insert(0, "..")
# fall back to pure modules if required C extensions are not available
sys.path.append(os.path.join('..', 'mercurial', 'pure'))
from mercurial import demandimport; demandimport.enable()
from mercurial import encoding
from mercurial.commands import table, globalopts
from mercurial.i18n import _
from import helptable
from mercurial import extensions

def get_desc(docstr):
    if not docstr:
        return "", ""
    # sanitize
    docstr = docstr.strip("\n")
    docstr = docstr.rstrip()
    shortdesc = docstr.splitlines()[0].strip()

    i = docstr.find("\n")
    if i != -1:
        desc = docstr[i + 2:]
        desc = shortdesc

    desc = textwrap.dedent(desc)

    return (shortdesc, desc)

def get_opts(opts):
    for opt in opts:
        if len(opt) == 5:
            shortopt, longopt, default, desc, optlabel = opt
            shortopt, longopt, default, desc = opt
        allopts = []
        if shortopt:
            allopts.append("-%s" % shortopt)
        if longopt:
            allopts.append("--%s" % longopt)
        desc += default and _(" (default: %s)") % default or ""
        yield (", ".join(allopts), desc)

def get_cmd(cmd, cmdtable):
    d = {}
    attr = cmdtable[cmd]
    cmds = cmd.lstrip("^").split("|")

    d['cmd'] = cmds[0]
    d['aliases'] = cmd.split("|")[1:]
    d['desc'] = get_desc(attr[0].__doc__)
    d['opts'] = list(get_opts(attr[1]))

    s = 'hg ' + cmds[0]
    if len(attr) > 2:
        if not attr[2].startswith('hg'):
            s += ' ' + attr[2]
            s = attr[2]
    d['synopsis'] = s.strip()

    return d

def section(ui, s):
    ui.write("%s\n%s\n\n" % (s, "-" * encoding.colwidth(s)))

def subsection(ui, s):
    ui.write("%s\n%s\n\n" % (s, '"' * encoding.colwidth(s)))

def subsubsection(ui, s):
    ui.write("%s\n%s\n\n" % (s, "." * encoding.colwidth(s)))

def subsubsubsection(ui, s):
    ui.write("%s\n%s\n\n" % (s, "#" * encoding.colwidth(s)))

def show_doc(ui):
    # print options
    section(ui, _("Options"))
    for optstr, desc in get_opts(globalopts):
        ui.write("%s\n    %s\n\n" % (optstr, desc))

    # print cmds
    section(ui, _("Commands"))
    commandprinter(ui, table, subsection)

    # print topics
    for names, sec, doc in helptable:
        for name in names:
            ui.write(".. _%s:\n" % name)
        section(ui, sec)
        if hasattr(doc, '__call__'):
            doc = doc()

    section(ui, _("Extensions"))
    ui.write(_("This section contains help for extensions that are distributed "
               "together with Mercurial. Help for other extensions is available "
               "in the help system."))
             ".. contents::\n"
             "   :class: htmlonly\n"
             "   :local:\n"
             "   :depth: 1\n\n")

    for extensionname in sorted(allextensionnames()):
        mod = extensions.load(None, extensionname, None)
        subsection(ui, extensionname)
        ui.write("%s\n\n" % mod.__doc__)
        cmdtable = getattr(mod, 'cmdtable', None)
        if cmdtable:
            subsubsection(ui, _('Commands'))
            commandprinter(ui, cmdtable, subsubsubsection)

def commandprinter(ui, cmdtable, sectionfunc):
    h = {}
    for c, attr in cmdtable.items():
        f = c.split("|")[0]
        f = f.lstrip("^")
        h[f] = c
    cmds = h.keys()

    for f in cmds:
        if f.startswith("debug"):
        d = get_cmd(h[f], cmdtable)
        sectionfunc(ui, d['cmd'])
        # synopsis
        synopsislines = d['synopsis'].splitlines()
        for line in synopsislines:
            # some commands (such as rebase) have a multi-line
            # synopsis
            ui.write("   %s\n" % line)
        # description
        ui.write("%s\n\n" % d['desc'][1])
        # options
        opt_output = list(d['opts'])
        if opt_output:
            opts_len = max([len(line[0]) for line in opt_output])
            for optstr, desc in opt_output:
                if desc:
                    s = "%-*s  %s" % (opts_len, optstr, desc)
                    s = optstr
                ui.write("%s\n" % s)
        # aliases
        if d['aliases']:
            ui.write(_("    aliases: %s\n\n") % " ".join(d['aliases']))

def allextensionnames():
    extensionnames = []

    extensionsdictionary = extensions.enabled()[0]

    extensionsdictionary = extensions.disabled()[0]

    return extensionnames

if __name__ == "__main__":