view contrib/mercurial.spec @ 9717:68a1b9d0663e

update: allow branch crossing without -c or -C, with no uncommitted changes Update will now allow crossing branches within the same named branch, when given a specific revision, if the working dir is clean, without requiring the -c or -C option. Abort if no revision is given and this would cross branches. Minor change to abort message if uncommitted changes are found. Modify test-update-branches and output to reflect the altered case. Modify test-merge5.out to reflect the altered case. Modify test-up-local-change.out with new message.
author Stuart W Marks <>
date Thu, 05 Nov 2009 10:53:59 +0100
parents 5d8125bbbbf4
children 26fc868cb8b0
line wrap: on
line source

Summary: Mercurial -- a distributed SCM
Name: mercurial
Version: snapshot
Release: 0
License: GPLv2
Group: Development/Tools
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root

# From the README:
#   Note: some distributions fails to include bits of distutils by
#   default, you'll need python-dev to install. You'll also need a C
#   compiler and a 3-way merge tool like merge, tkdiff, or kdiff3.
# python-devel provides an adequate python-dev.  The merge tool is a
# run-time dependency.
BuildRequires: python >= 2.4, python-devel, make, gcc, docutils >= 0.5
Provides: hg = %{version}-%{release}

%define pythonver %(python -c 'import sys;print ".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[:2]))')
%define emacs_lispdir %{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp

Mercurial is a fast, lightweight source control management system designed
for efficient handling of very large distributed projects.

%setup -q

make all

python install --root $RPM_BUILD_ROOT --prefix %{_prefix}
make install-doc DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT MANDIR=%{_mandir}

install contrib/hgk          $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
install contrib/convert-repo $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/mercurial-convert-repo
install contrib/hg-ssh       $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
install contrib/git-viz/{hg-viz,git-rev-tree} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}

mkdir -p $bash_completion_dir
install -m 644 contrib/bash_completion $bash_completion_dir/

mkdir -p $zsh_completion_dir
install -m 644 contrib/zsh_completion $zsh_completion_dir/_mercurial

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{emacs_lispdir}
install contrib/mercurial.el $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{emacs_lispdir}

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/mercurial/hgrc.d
install contrib/mergetools.hgrc $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/mercurial/hgrc.d/mergetools.rc


%doc CONTRIBUTORS COPYING doc/README doc/hg*.txt doc/hg*.html doc/ja *.cgi contrib/*.fcgi
%doc %attr(644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man?/hg*.gz
%doc %attr(644,root,root) contrib/*.svg contrib/sample.hgrc
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/
%dir %{_datadir}/zsh/site-functions/
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/mercurial
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/mercurial/hgrc.d
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/mercurial/hgrc.d/mergetools.rc
%if "%{?pythonver}" != "2.4"