shelve: handle shelved node on unfiltered repository
To build a version of shelve that use hiding instead of stripping, we need
shelve to be able to find these revisions. This it does not hurt the bundle
version, so we introduce the necessary code in the relevant place.
# A dummy extension that installs an hgweb command that throws an Exception.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from mercurial.hgweb import (
def raiseerror(web):
'''Dummy web command that raises an uncaught Exception.'''
# Simulate an error after partial response.
if 'partialresponse' in web.req.qsparams:
web.res.status = b'200 Script output follows'
web.res.headers[b'Content-Type'] = b'text/plain'
web.res.getbodyfile().write(b'partial content\n')
raise AttributeError('I am an uncaught error!')
def extsetup(ui):
setattr(webcommands, 'raiseerror', raiseerror)