provide pre- and post- hooks with parsed command line arguments.
python hooks are passed two new keyword arguments:
- opts: a dict of options; unsepcified options are set to their default
- pats: a list of arguments
shell hooks receive two new variables containing string representations
of the above data:
for example, the opts and pats for 'hg -f v1.1' would be:
{'force': True, 'message': '', 'rev': '', 'user': '', 'date': '', 'local': None, 'remove': None, 'mq': None}
hg init test
cd test
cat > .hg/hgrc <<EOF
interhg =
issues = s|Issue(\d+)|<a href="\1">Issue\1</a>|
# yes, 'x' is a weird delimiter...
markbugs = sxbugx<i class="\x">bug</i>x
touch foo
hg add foo
hg commit -d '1 0' -m 'Issue123: fixed the bug!'
hg serve -n test -p $HGPORT -d -A access.log -E errors.log
echo % log
"$TESTDIR/" localhost:$HGPORT '/' | grep bts
echo % errors
cat errors.log