tests: force `dumbhttp.py` to write its log file with '\n' on Windows
This wasn't causing obvious test failures, but it's the same fix as
for `dummysmtpd.py`, and there's no sense in leaving this problem lying around.
(And upon further review, it might have been causing some non-obviously related
failures- see the next commit.)
# A dummy extension that installs an hgweb command that throws an Exception.
from mercurial.hgweb import webcommands
def raiseerror(web):
'''Dummy web command that raises an uncaught Exception.'''
# Simulate an error after partial response.
if b'partialresponse' in web.req.qsparams:
web.res.status = b'200 Script output follows'
web.res.headers[b'Content-Type'] = b'text/plain'
web.res.getbodyfile().write(b'partial content\n')
raise AttributeError('I am an uncaught error!')
def extsetup(ui):
setattr(webcommands, 'raiseerror', raiseerror)