test-revert: add methodical revert with explicit file path
We now also test reverting file to the working directory parent
content. However this differs from the previously introduced test by using
the explicit path of each "case file" when calling revert. This should
result in the same result regarding file content and backup creation,
but the output of the `hg revert` call should differ.
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""This does HTTP GET requests given a host:port and path and returns
a subset of the headers plus the body of the result."""
import httplib, sys
import msvcrt, os
msvcrt.setmode(sys.stdout.fileno(), os.O_BINARY)
msvcrt.setmode(sys.stderr.fileno(), os.O_BINARY)
except ImportError:
twice = False
if '--twice' in sys.argv:
twice = True
headeronly = False
if '--headeronly' in sys.argv:
headeronly = True
reasons = {'Not modified': 'Not Modified'} # python 2.4
tag = None
def request(host, path, show):
assert not path.startswith('/'), path
global tag
headers = {}
if tag:
headers['If-None-Match'] = tag
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host)
conn.request("GET", '/' + path, None, headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
print response.status, reasons.get(response.reason, response.reason)
if show[:1] == ['-']:
show = sorted(h for h, v in response.getheaders()
if h.lower() not in show)
for h in [h.lower() for h in show]:
if response.getheader(h, None) is not None:
print "%s: %s" % (h, response.getheader(h))
if not headeronly:
if response.status != 500:
data = response.read()
if twice and response.getheader('ETag', None):
tag = response.getheader('ETag')
return response.status
status = request(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3:])
if twice:
status = request(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3:])
if 200 <= status <= 305: