gitweb: handle "patch" query parameter in filelog view
As for paper style, in
f36dc643ffdc, we display "diff" data as an additional
row in the table of revision entries for the gitweb template.
Also, as these additional diff rows have a white background, they may be
confused with log entry rows ("age", "author", "description", "links") of even
parity (parity0 also have a white background). So we disable parity colors for
log entry rows when diff is displayed and fix the color to the
"dark" parity (i.e. parity1 #f6f6f0) so that it's always distinguishable from
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Mercurial unified tests
" Author: Steve Losh (
" Place this file in ~/.vim/syntax/ and add the following line to your
" ~/.vimrc to enable:
" au BufNewFile,BufRead *.t set filetype=hgtest
" If you want folding you'll need the following line as well:
" let hgtest_fold=1
" You might also want to set the starting foldlevel for hgtest files:
" autocmd Syntax hgtest setlocal foldlevel=1
if exists("b:current_syntax")
syn include @Shell syntax/sh.vim
syn match hgtestComment /^[^ ].*$/
syn region hgtestOutput start=/^ [^$>]/ start=/^ $/ end=/\v.(\n\n*[^ ])\@=/me=s end=/^ [$>]/me=e-3 end=/^$/ fold containedin=hgtestBlock
syn match hgtestCommandStart /^ \$ / containedin=hgtestCommand
syn region hgtestCommand start=/^ \$ /hs=s+4,rs=s+4 end=/^ [^>]/me=e-3 end=/^ $/me=e-2 containedin=hgtestBlock contains=@Shell keepend
syn region hgtestBlock start=/^ /ms=e-2 end=/\v.(\n\n*[^ ])\@=/me=s end=/^$/me=e-1 fold keepend
hi link hgtestCommandStart Keyword
hi link hgtestComment Normal
hi link hgtestOutput Comment
if exists("hgtest_fold")
setlocal foldmethod=syntax
syn sync match hgtestSync grouphere NONE "^$"
syn sync maxlines=200
" It's okay to set tab settings here, because an indent of two spaces is specified
" by the file format.
setlocal tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab
let b:current_syntax = "hgtest"