author Gregory Szorc <gregory.szorc@gmail.com>
Wed, 19 Oct 2016 15:07:11 -0700
changeset 30222 7b428b00a1d4
parent 29266 b3a677c82a35
child 30462 356406ac454f
permissions -rw-r--r--
commands: print security protocol support in debuginstall Over the past week I've had to instruct multiple people to run Python code to query the ssl module to see what TLS protocol support is present. I think it would be useful for `hg debuginstall` to print this info to make it easier to access and debug why Mercurial is complaining about using an insecure TLS 1.0 protocol. Ideally we'd also print the path to the CA cert bundle. But the APIs for querying that in sslutil can emit warnings, making it slightly more difficult to integrate into `hg debuginstall`. That work will have to wait for another day.

hg debuginstall
  $ hg debuginstall
  checking encoding (ascii)...
  checking Python executable (*) (glob)
  checking Python version (2.*) (glob)
  checking Python lib (*lib*)... (glob)
  checking Python security support (*) (glob)
    TLS 1.2 not supported by Python install; network connections lack modern security (?)
    SNI not supported by Python install; may have connectivity issues with some servers (?)
  checking Mercurial version (*) (glob)
  checking Mercurial custom build (*) (glob)
  checking module policy (*) (glob)
  checking installed modules (*mercurial)... (glob)
  checking templates (*mercurial?templates)... (glob)
  checking default template (*mercurial?templates?map-cmdline.default) (glob)
  checking commit editor... (* -c "import sys; sys.exit(0)") (glob)
  checking username (test)
  no problems detected

hg debuginstall JSON
  $ hg debuginstall -Tjson | sed 's|\\\\|\\|g'
    "defaulttemplate": "*mercurial?templates?map-cmdline.default", (glob)
    "defaulttemplateerror": null,
    "defaulttemplatenotfound": "default",
    "editor": "* -c \"import sys; sys.exit(0)\"", (glob)
    "editornotfound": false,
    "encoding": "ascii",
    "encodingerror": null,
    "extensionserror": null,
    "hgmodulepolicy": "*", (glob)
    "hgmodules": "*mercurial", (glob)
    "hgver": "*", (glob)
    "hgverextra": "*", (glob)
    "problems": 0,
    "pythonexe": "*", (glob)
    "pythonlib": "*", (glob)
    "pythonsecurity": [*], (glob)
    "pythonver": "*.*.*", (glob)
    "templatedirs": "*mercurial?templates", (glob)
    "username": "test",
    "usernameerror": null,
    "vinotfound": false

hg debuginstall with no username
  $ HGUSER= hg debuginstall
  checking encoding (ascii)...
  checking Python executable (*) (glob)
  checking Python version (2.*) (glob)
  checking Python lib (*lib*)... (glob)
  checking Python security support (*) (glob)
    TLS 1.2 not supported by Python install; network connections lack modern security (?)
    SNI not supported by Python install; may have connectivity issues with some servers (?)
  checking Mercurial version (*) (glob)
  checking Mercurial custom build (*) (glob)
  checking module policy (*) (glob)
  checking installed modules (*mercurial)... (glob)
  checking templates (*mercurial?templates)... (glob)
  checking default template (*mercurial?templates?map-cmdline.default) (glob)
  checking commit editor... (* -c "import sys; sys.exit(0)") (glob)
  checking username...
   no username supplied
   (specify a username in your configuration file)
  1 problems detected, please check your install!

path variables are expanded (~ is the same as $TESTTMP)
  $ mkdir tools
  $ touch tools/testeditor.exe
#if execbit
  $ chmod 755 tools/testeditor.exe
  $ hg debuginstall --config ui.editor=~/tools/testeditor.exe
  checking encoding (ascii)...
  checking Python executable (*) (glob)
  checking Python version (*) (glob)
  checking Python lib (*lib*)... (glob)
  checking Python security support (*) (glob)
    TLS 1.2 not supported by Python install; network connections lack modern security (?)
    SNI not supported by Python install; may have connectivity issues with some servers (?)
  checking Mercurial version (*) (glob)
  checking Mercurial custom build (*) (glob)
  checking module policy (*) (glob)
  checking installed modules (*mercurial)... (glob)
  checking templates (*mercurial?templates)... (glob)
  checking default template (*mercurial?templates?map-cmdline.default) (glob)
  checking commit editor... (* -c "import sys; sys.exit(0)") (glob)
  checking username (test)
  no problems detected

#if test-repo
  $ . "$TESTDIR/helpers-testrepo.sh"

  $ cat >> wixxml.py << EOF
  > import os, subprocess, sys
  > import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
  > # MSYS mangles the path if it expands $TESTDIR
  > testdir = os.environ['TESTDIR']
  > ns = {'wix' : 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi'}
  > def directory(node, relpath):
  >     '''generator of files in the xml node, rooted at relpath'''
  >     dirs = node.findall('./{%(wix)s}Directory' % ns)
  >     for d in dirs:
  >         for subfile in directory(d, relpath + d.attrib['Name'] + '/'):
  >             yield subfile
  >     files = node.findall('./{%(wix)s}Component/{%(wix)s}File' % ns)
  >     for f in files:
  >         yield relpath + f.attrib['Name']
  > def hgdirectory(relpath):
  >     '''generator of tracked files, rooted at relpath'''
  >     hgdir = "%s/../mercurial" % (testdir)
  >     args = ['hg', '--cwd', hgdir, 'files', relpath]
  >     proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
  >                             stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
  >     output = proc.communicate()[0]
  >     slash = '/'
  >     for line in output.splitlines():
  >         if os.name == 'nt':
  >             yield line.replace(os.sep, slash)
  >         else:
  >             yield line
  > tracked = [f for f in hgdirectory(sys.argv[1])]
  > xml = ET.parse("%s/../contrib/wix/%s.wxs" % (testdir, sys.argv[1]))
  > root = xml.getroot()
  > dir = root.find('.//{%(wix)s}DirectoryRef' % ns)
  > installed = [f for f in directory(dir, '')]
  > print('Not installed:')
  > for f in sorted(set(tracked) - set(installed)):
  >     print('  %s' % f)
  > print('Not tracked:')
  > for f in sorted(set(installed) - set(tracked)):
  >     print('  %s' % f)
  > EOF

  $ python wixxml.py help
  Not installed:
  Not tracked:

  $ python wixxml.py templates
  Not installed:
  Not tracked:
