subrepo: implement 'unshare' for Mercurial subrepos
I think there's a slight hole here in that a subrepo could be shared, removed
from .hgsub, and then it's not part of context.substate (so not iterated over).
But the push command has the same hole IIRC, and I think removing a subrepo is
an edge case.
The import hack is a copy/paste of subrepo.subrepo().
#require test-repo
$ . "$TESTDIR/"
$ cd "`dirname "$TESTDIR"`"
look for python scripts that do not use /usr/bin/env
$ testrepohg files 'set:grep(r"^#!.*?python") and not grep(r"^#!/usr/bi{1}n/env python") - **/*.t'
In tests, enforce $PYTHON and *not* /usr/bin/env python or similar:
$ testrepohg files 'set:grep(r"#!.*?python") and **/*.t' \
> -X tests/test-check-execute.t \
> -X tests/test-check-module-imports.t \
> -X tests/test-check-pyflakes.t \
> -X tests/test-check-shbang.t
The above exclusions are because they're looking for files that
contain Python but don't end in .py - please avoid adding more.
look for shell scripts that do not use /bin/sh
$ testrepohg files 'set:grep(r"^#!.*/bi{1}n/sh") and not grep(r"^#!/bi{1}n/sh")'