Mercurial > hg
view tests/sslcerts/pub-expired.pem @ 34682:7e3001b74ab3
tersestatus: re-implement the functionality to terse the status
The previous terse status implementation was hacking around os.listdir() and was
flaky. There have been a lot of instances of mercurial buildbots failing
and google's internal builds failing because of the
hacky implementation of terse status. Even though I wrote the last
implementation but it was hard for me to find the reason for the flake.
The new implementation can be slower than the old one but is clean and easy to
In this we create a node object for each directory and create a tree
like structure starting from the root of the working copy. While building the
tree like structure we store some information on the nodes which will be helpful
for deciding later whether we can terse the dir or not.
Once the whole tree is build we traverse and built the list of files for each
status with required tersing.
There is no behaviour change as the old test, test-status-terse.t passes with
the new implementation.
Differential Revision:
author | Pulkit Goyal <> |
date | Fri, 06 Oct 2017 20:54:23 +0530 |
parents | 9d02bed8477b |
children |
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line source
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDNTCCAh2gAwIBAgIJANRJCnkBtkkOMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMDExEjAQBgNV BAMMCWxvY2FsaG9zdDEbMBkGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYMaGdAbG9jYWxob3N0MB4XDTE2 MDEwMTA4MDAzMFoXDTE2MDEwMjA4MDAzMFowMTESMBAGA1UEAwwJbG9jYWxob3N0 MRswGQYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFgxoZ0Bsb2NhbGhvc3QwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUA A4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDZSC3uNCsP674m0h9dmlV6nM4C59xfgIygdX3mpldmaXaO 4anHdPvCNA8H8g+g6lEb0KgJp6Qor5sipBfWo26JRrYKypyE1By5raOzkNO22ZFg L5/AdpBzRRjVAp7/Svw0VfVeh4hZ+4v7RQARGgjXOaG72nHnfboLs+jIE8i5tPR6 MtUt9yIWDIcOaq9ga7pxQGk0WsCLxyw80ZzKJ7UDGHTBn/2O8d036IaZpX0Zk5sa /QZmltaUmbx8b6YfWowVgDqaeSclsQEFOdXQhZ0YlqUafP7kZ8K+HHNhwRaYsN47 /sU2tYxVP0vwrLrlzKAJ4niURbVcHXD/qtBiNpKfAgMBAAGjUDBOMB0GA1UdDgQW BBT6fA08JcG+SWBN9Y+p575xcFfIVjAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBT6fA08JcG+SWBN9Y+p 575xcFfIVjAMBgNVHRMEBTADAQH/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQBnY2r60iGg 0BqR5vOj//XjS1FZKNG6+n3MKgxBY3pqFbqsCJfX5GfWD3GHJRXzv3p1MXIP3BWj zFutg+FE2QChQFwZjJu3E1VnIZN5ytYBltGHwaCEUdGq9sAZ9R2Jdf8xhQa5h+1U NZJvYbhCyecnUh2/Dkj2pFoF7wv7BtWFJV20WzHesN/Dik51cr6yFSn4nJb6YAMw t4/Vnf24v36WwnBoO5VqO+ntISTD6CS3EE5Gqv2ZMQtFaMoRfKIBaDIKHvbYeXdX 2gDTKWnS5KJYWmsl6N2CPjrHJJphaFGSKFAivmT24Q+JSKcC9hww7gvnGcVmsFan H5xwzFQW2cna -----END CERTIFICATE-----