author Chris Jerdonek <>
Mon, 02 Dec 2013 07:49:49 -0800
changeset 20166 7eda5bb9ec8f
parent 19378 9de689d20230
child 28351 42a7301fb4d5
permissions -rw-r--r--
parsers: clarify documentation of This change updates and improves the description of In particular, it removes language that can be interpreted to mean that the test module checks only the C implementation of parsers.parse_index2(). Rather, the module checks parsers.parse_index2(), which can be either the C or pure Python implementation, depending on which version is being used. As of e57c532c3835, the module also does more than just compare the return value with the original Python implementation.

import os, __builtin__
from mercurial import util

def lowerwrap(scope, funcname):
    f = getattr(scope, funcname)
    def wrap(fname, *args, **kwargs):
        d, base = os.path.split(fname)
            files = os.listdir(d or '.')
        except OSError:
            files = []
        if base in files:
            return f(fname, *args, **kwargs)
        for fn in files:
            if fn.lower() == base.lower():
                return f(os.path.join(d, fn), *args, **kwargs)
        return f(fname, *args, **kwargs)
    scope.__dict__[funcname] = wrap

def normcase(path):
    return path.lower()

os.path.normcase = normcase

for f in 'file open'.split():
    lowerwrap(__builtin__, f)

for f in "chmod chown open lstat stat remove unlink".split():
    lowerwrap(os, f)

for f in "exists lexists".split():
    lowerwrap(os.path, f)

lowerwrap(util, 'posixfile')