templater: tokenize decimal integer literal (
issue4638) (BC)
Before this patch, we had to quote integer literals to pass to template
functions. It was error-prone, so we should allow "word(0, x)" syntax.
Currently only decimal integers are allowed. It's easy to support 0x, 0b and 0
prefixes, but I don't think they are useful.
This patch assumes that template keywords and names defined in map files do
not start with digits, except for positional variables seen in the schemes
import sys
from _lsprof import Profiler, profiler_entry
__all__ = ['profile', 'Stats']
def profile(f, *args, **kwds):
"""XXX docstring"""
p = Profiler()
p.enable(subcalls=True, builtins=True)
f(*args, **kwds)
return Stats(p.getstats())
class Stats(object):
"""XXX docstring"""
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
def sort(self, crit="inlinetime"):
"""XXX docstring"""
if crit not in profiler_entry.__dict__:
raise ValueError("Can't sort by %s" % crit)
self.data.sort(key=lambda x: getattr(x, crit), reverse=True)
for e in self.data:
if e.calls:
e.calls.sort(key=lambda x: getattr(x, crit), reverse=True)
def pprint(self, top=None, file=None, limit=None, climit=None):
"""XXX docstring"""
if file is None:
file = sys.stdout
d = self.data
if top is not None:
d = d[:top]
cols = "% 12s %12s %11.4f %11.4f %s\n"
hcols = "% 12s %12s %12s %12s %s\n"
file.write(hcols % ("CallCount", "Recursive", "Total(s)",
"Inline(s)", "module:lineno(function)"))
count = 0
for e in d:
file.write(cols % (e.callcount, e.reccallcount, e.totaltime,
e.inlinetime, label(e.code)))
count += 1
if limit is not None and count == limit:
ccount = 0
if climit and e.calls:
for se in e.calls:
file.write(cols % (se.callcount, se.reccallcount,
se.totaltime, se.inlinetime,
" %s" % label(se.code)))
count += 1
ccount += 1
if limit is not None and count == limit:
if climit is not None and ccount == climit:
def freeze(self):
"""Replace all references to code objects with string
descriptions; this makes it possible to pickle the instance."""
# this code is probably rather ickier than it needs to be!
for i in range(len(self.data)):
e = self.data[i]
if not isinstance(e.code, str):
self.data[i] = type(e)((label(e.code),) + e[1:])
if e.calls:
for j in range(len(e.calls)):
se = e.calls[j]
if not isinstance(se.code, str):
e.calls[j] = type(se)((label(se.code),) + se[1:])
_fn2mod = {}
def label(code):
if isinstance(code, str):
return code
mname = _fn2mod[code.co_filename]
except KeyError:
for k, v in list(sys.modules.iteritems()):
if v is None:
if not isinstance(getattr(v, '__file__', None), str):
if v.__file__.startswith(code.co_filename):
mname = _fn2mod[code.co_filename] = k
mname = _fn2mod[code.co_filename] = '<%s>' % code.co_filename
return '%s:%d(%s)' % (mname, code.co_firstlineno, code.co_name)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import os
sys.argv = sys.argv[1:]
if not sys.argv:
print >> sys.stderr, "usage: lsprof.py <script> <arguments...>"
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])))
stats = profile(execfile, sys.argv[0], globals(), locals())