tests: add timeouts, make run-tests.py clean up dead daemon processes
test timeout feature is needed for test with python 2.5 beta. if test
does not complete in time (30 seconds is default), it is killed.
some times daemon process used in test can be alive after the test
is killed by user or by timeout. tests now record daemon pids into
$DAEMON_PIDS and run-tests.py kills all living daemons after every test.
final little change is to add newline to end of pid file printed by
"hg serve", else "cat hg.pid >> $DAEMON_FILES" gives garbage.
hg init test
cd test
cat >sometext.txt <<ENDSOME
This is just some random text
that will go inside the file and take a few lines.
It is very boring to read, but computers don't
care about things like that.
hg add sometext.txt
hg commit -d "1 0" -m "Just some text"
hg serve -p 20059 -A access.log -E error.log -d --pid-file=hg.pid
cat hg.pid >> $DAEMON_PIDS
("$TESTDIR/get-with-headers.py" localhost:20059 '/?f=f165dc289438;file=sometext.txt;style=raw' content-type content-length content-disposition) >getoutput.txt &
sleep 5
kill `cat hg.pid`
sleep 1 # wait for server to scream and die
cat getoutput.txt
cat access.log error.log | \
sed 's/^[^ ]*\( [^[]*\[\)[^]]*\(\].*\)$/host\1date\2/'