view contrib/vim/hg-menu.vim @ 31987:8823daaf4665

obsolescence: add test for the "branch replacement" logic during push, case D2 Mercurial checks for the introduction of new heads on push. Evolution comes into play to detect if existing branches on the server are being replaced by some of the new one we push. The current code for this logic is very basic (eg: issue4354) and was poorly tested. We have a better implementation coming in the evolve extension fixing these issues and with more serious tests coverage. In the process of upstreaming this improved logic, we start with adding the test case that are already passing with the current implementation. Once they are all in, we'll upstream the better implementation and the extra test cases. See inline documentation for details about the test case added in this changeset.
author Pierre-Yves David <>
date Thu, 13 Apr 2017 16:27:42 +0200
parents ea7b982b6c08
line wrap: on
line source

" vim600: set foldmethod=marker:
" =============================================================================
"  Name Of File: hg-menu.vim
"   Description: Interface to Mercurial Version Control.
"        Author: Steve Borho (modified Jeff Lanzarotta's RCS script)
"          Date: Wednesday, October 5, 2005
"       Version: 0.1.0
"     Copyright: None.
"         Usage: These command and gui menu displays useful hg functions
" Configuration: Your hg executable must be in your path.
" =============================================================================

" Section: Init {{{1
if exists("loaded_hg_menu")
let loaded_hg_menu = 1

" Section: Menu Options {{{1
if has("gui")
"  amenu H&G.Commit\ File<Tab>,ci :!hg commit %<CR>:e!<CR>
"  amenu H&G.Commit\ All<Tab>,call :!hg commit<CR>:e!<CR>
"  amenu H&G.-SEP1-        <nul>
  amenu H&G.Add<Tab>\\add :!hg add %<CR><CR>
  amenu H&G.Forget\ Add<Tab>\\fgt :!hg forget %<CR><CR>
  amenu H&G.Show\ Differences<Tab>\\diff :call ShowResults("FileDiff", "hg\ diff")<CR><CR>
  amenu H&G.Revert\ to\ Last\ Version<Tab>\\revert :!hg revert %<CR>:e!<CR>
  amenu H&G.Show\ History<Tab>\\log :call ShowResults("FileLog", "hg\ log")<CR><CR>
  amenu H&G.Annotate<Tab>\\an :call ShowResults("annotate", "hg\ annotate")<CR><CR>
  amenu H&G.-SEP1-        <nul>
  amenu H&G.Repo\ Status<Tab>\\stat :call ShowResults("RepoStatus", "hg\ status")<CR><CR>
  amenu H&G.Pull<Tab>\\pull :!hg pull<CR>:e!<CR>
  amenu H&G.Update<Tab>\\upd :!hg update<CR>:e!<CR>

" Section: Mappings {{{1
if(v:version >= 600)
  " The default Leader is \ 'backslash'
  map <Leader>add       :!hg add %<CR><CR>
  map <Leader>fgt       :!hg forget %<CR><CR>
  map <Leader>diff      :call ShowResults("FileDiff", "hg\ diff")<CR><CR>
  map <Leader>revert    :!hg revert %<CR>:e!<CR>
  map <Leader>log       :call ShowResults("FileLog", "hg\ log")<CR><CR>
  map <Leader>an        :call ShowResults("annotate", "hg\ annotate")<CR><CR>
  map <Leader>stat      :call ShowResults("RepoStatus", "hg\ status")<CR><CR>
  map <Leader>upd       :!hg update<CR>:e!<CR>
  map <Leader>pull      :!hg pull<CR>:e!<CR>
  " pre 6.0, the default Leader was a comma
  map ,add          :!hg add %<CR><CR>
  map ,fgt          :!hg forget %<CR><CR>
  map ,diff         :call ShowResults("FileDiff", "hg\ diff")<CR><CR>
  map ,revert       :!hg revert<CR>:e!<CR>
  map ,log          :call ShowResults("FileLog", "hg\ log")<CR><CR>
  map ,an           :call ShowResults("annotate", "hg\ annotate")<CR><CR>
  map ,stat         :call ShowResults("RepoStatus", "hg\ status")<CR><CR>
  map ,upd          :!hg update<CR>:e!<CR>
  map ,pull         :!hg pull<CR>:e!<CR>

" Section: Functions {{{1
" Show the log results of the current file with a revision control system.
function! ShowResults(bufferName, cmdName)
  " Modify the shortmess option:
  " A  don't give the "ATTENTION" message when an existing swap file is
  "    found.
  set shortmess+=A

  " Get the name of the current buffer.
  let currentBuffer = bufname("%")

  " If a buffer with the name rlog exists, delete it.
  if bufexists(a:bufferName)
    execute 'bd! ' a:bufferName

  " Create a new buffer.
  execute 'new ' a:bufferName

  " Execute the command.
  execute 'r!' a:cmdName ' ' currentBuffer

  " Make is so that the file can't be edited.
  setlocal nomodified
  setlocal nomodifiable
  setlocal readonly

  " Go to the beginning of the buffer.
  execute "normal 1G"

  " Restore the shortmess option.
  set shortmess-=A