hg: make cachedlocalrepo cache appropriate repoview object
Before this patch, 'cachedlocalrepo' always caches "visible" repoview
object, because 'cachedlocalrepo' uses "visible" repoview returned by
'hg.repository()' without any additional processing.
If the client of 'cachedlocalrepo' wants "served" repoview, some
objects to be cached are discarded unintentionally.
1. 'cachedlocalrepo' newly caches "visible" repoview object
(call it VIEW1)
2. 'cachedlocalrepo' returns VIEW1 to the client of it at 'fetch()'
3. the client gets "served" repoview object by 'filtered("served")'
on VIEW1 (call this "served" repoview VIEW2)
4. accessing to 'repo.changelog' implies:
- instantiation of changelog via 'localrepository.changelog'
- instantiation of "filtered changelog" via 'repoview.changelog'
5. "filtered changelog" above is cached in VIEW2
6. VIEW2 is discarded after processing, because there is no
reference to it
7. 'cachedlocalrepo' returns VIEW1 cached at (1) above to the
client at next 'fetch()'
8. 'filtered("served")' on VIEW1 at the client side creates new
"served" repoview again, because VIEW1 is "visible"
(call this new "served" repoview VIEW3)
9. accessing to 'repo.changelog' implies instantiation of filtered
changelog again, because "filtered changelog" is cached in
VIEW2 at (5), but not in VIEW3 currently used
10. (go to (7) above)
As described above, "served" repoview object and "filtered changelog"
cached in it are discarded always, even if the repository itself
hasn't been changed since last access.
For example, in the case of 'hgweb_mod.hgweb', "newly caching" occurs,
- all cached objects are already assigned to another threads
(in this case, repoview is created in 'cachedlocalrepo.copy()')
- or, stat of '00changelog.i' is changed from last access
(in this case, repoview is created in 'cachedlocalrepo.fetch()')
once changes are pushed via HTTP, this always occurs.
The root cause of this inefficiency is that 'cachedlocalrepo' always
caches "visible" repoview object, even if the client of it wants
another view.
To make 'cachedlocalrepo' cache appropriate repoview object, this
patch adds additional filtering on the repo object returned by
'hg.repository()'. It is assumed that initial repoview object should
be already filtered by expected view.
After this patch:
- 'filtered("served")' on VIEW1 at (3)/(7) above returns VIEW1
itself, because VIEW1 is now "served", and
- VIEW2 and VIEW3 equal VIEW1
- therefore, "filtered changelog" is cached in VIEW1, and reused
#require unix-permissions
test that new files created in .hg inherit the permissions from .hg/store
$ mkdir dir
just in case somebody has a strange $TMPDIR
$ chmod g-s dir
$ cd dir
$ cat >printmodes.py <<EOF
> import os, sys
> allnames = []
> isdir = {}
> for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sys.argv[1]):
> for d in dirs:
> name = os.path.join(root, d)
> isdir[name] = 1
> allnames.append(name)
> for f in files:
> name = os.path.join(root, f)
> allnames.append(name)
> allnames.sort()
> for name in allnames:
> suffix = name in isdir and '/' or ''
> print '%05o %s%s' % (os.lstat(name).st_mode & 07777, name, suffix)
$ cat >mode.py <<EOF
> import sys
> import os
> print '%05o' % os.lstat(sys.argv[1]).st_mode
$ umask 077
$ hg init repo
$ cd repo
$ chmod 0770 .hg/store
before commit
store can be written by the group, other files cannot
store is setgid
$ python ../printmodes.py .
00700 ./.hg/
00600 ./.hg/00changelog.i
00600 ./.hg/requires
00770 ./.hg/store/
$ mkdir dir
$ touch foo dir/bar
$ hg ci -qAm 'add files'
after commit
working dir files can only be written by the owner
files created in .hg can be written by the group
(in particular, store/**, dirstate, branch cache file, undo files)
new directories are setgid
$ python ../printmodes.py .
00700 ./.hg/
00600 ./.hg/00changelog.i
00770 ./.hg/cache/
00660 ./.hg/cache/branch2-served
00660 ./.hg/cache/rbc-names-v1
00660 ./.hg/cache/rbc-revs-v1
00660 ./.hg/dirstate
00660 ./.hg/last-message.txt
00600 ./.hg/requires
00770 ./.hg/store/
00660 ./.hg/store/00changelog.i
00660 ./.hg/store/00manifest.i
00770 ./.hg/store/data/
00770 ./.hg/store/data/dir/
00660 ./.hg/store/data/dir/bar.i
00660 ./.hg/store/data/foo.i
00660 ./.hg/store/fncache
00660 ./.hg/store/phaseroots
00660 ./.hg/store/undo
00660 ./.hg/store/undo.backupfiles
00660 ./.hg/store/undo.phaseroots
00660 ./.hg/undo.backup.dirstate
00660 ./.hg/undo.bookmarks
00660 ./.hg/undo.branch
00660 ./.hg/undo.desc
00660 ./.hg/undo.dirstate
00700 ./dir/
00600 ./dir/bar
00600 ./foo
$ umask 007
$ hg init ../push
before push
group can write everything
$ python ../printmodes.py ../push
00770 ../push/.hg/
00660 ../push/.hg/00changelog.i
00660 ../push/.hg/requires
00770 ../push/.hg/store/
$ umask 077
$ hg -q push ../push
after push
group can still write everything
$ python ../printmodes.py ../push
00770 ../push/.hg/
00660 ../push/.hg/00changelog.i
00770 ../push/.hg/cache/
00660 ../push/.hg/cache/branch2-base
00660 ../push/.hg/cache/rbc-names-v1
00660 ../push/.hg/cache/rbc-revs-v1
00660 ../push/.hg/requires
00770 ../push/.hg/store/
00660 ../push/.hg/store/00changelog.i
00660 ../push/.hg/store/00manifest.i
00770 ../push/.hg/store/data/
00770 ../push/.hg/store/data/dir/
00660 ../push/.hg/store/data/dir/bar.i
00660 ../push/.hg/store/data/foo.i
00660 ../push/.hg/store/fncache
00660 ../push/.hg/store/undo
00660 ../push/.hg/store/undo.backupfiles
00660 ../push/.hg/store/undo.phaseroots
00660 ../push/.hg/undo.bookmarks
00660 ../push/.hg/undo.branch
00660 ../push/.hg/undo.desc
00660 ../push/.hg/undo.dirstate
Test that we don't lose the setgid bit when we call chmod.
Not all systems support setgid directories (e.g. HFS+), so
just check that directories have the same mode.
$ cd ..
$ hg init setgid
$ cd setgid
$ chmod g+rwx .hg/store
$ chmod g+s .hg/store 2> /dev/null || true
$ mkdir dir
$ touch dir/file
$ hg ci -qAm 'add dir/file'
$ storemode=`python ../mode.py .hg/store`
$ dirmode=`python ../mode.py .hg/store/data/dir`
$ if [ "$storemode" != "$dirmode" ]; then
> echo "$storemode != $dirmode"
> fi
$ cd ..
$ cd .. # g-s dir