view contrib/ @ 44763:94f4f2ec7dee stable

packaging: support building Inno installer with PyOxidizer We want to start distributing Mercurial on Python 3 on Windows. PyOxidizer will be our vehicle for achieving that. This commit implements basic support for producing Inno installers using PyOxidizer. While it is an eventual goal of PyOxidizer to produce installers, those features aren't yet implemented. So our strategy for producing Mercurial installers is similar to what we've been doing with py2exe: invoke a build system to produce files then stage those files into a directory so they can be turned into an installer. We had to make significant alterations to the pyoxidizer.bzl config file to get it to produce the files that we desire for a Windows install. This meant differentiating the build targets so we can target Windows specifically. We've added a new module to hgpackaging to deal with interacting with PyOxidizer. It is similar to pyexe: we invoke a build process then copy files to a staging directory. Ideally these extra files would be defined in pyoxidizer.bzl. But I don't think it is worth doing at this time, as PyOxidizer's config files are lacking some features to make this turnkey. The rest of the change is introducing a variant of the Inno installer code that invokes PyOxidizer instead of py2exe. Comparing the Python 2.7 based Inno installers with this one, the following changes were observed: * No lib/*.{pyd, dll} files * No Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest * No msvc{m,p,r}90.dll files * python27.dll replaced with python37.dll * Add vcruntime140.dll file The disappearance of the .pyd and .dll files is acceptable, as PyOxidizer has embedded these in hg.exe and loads them from memory. The disappearance of the *90* files is acceptable because those provide the Visual C++ 9 runtime, as required by Python 2.7. Similarly, the appearance of vcruntime140.dll is a requirement of Python 3.7. Differential Revision:
author Gregory Szorc <>
date Thu, 23 Apr 2020 18:06:02 -0700
parents ac3cb5e05a38
children 89a2afe31e82
line wrap: on
line source

# - utilities to parse test script for check tools
#  Copyright 2018 FUJIWARA Katsunori <> and others
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import abc
import re
import sys

# for Python3 compatibility (almost comes from mercurial/

ispy3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3

def identity(a):
    return a

def _rapply(f, xs):
    if xs is None:
        # assume None means non-value of optional data
        return xs
    if isinstance(xs, (list, set, tuple)):
        return type(xs)(_rapply(f, x) for x in xs)
    if isinstance(xs, dict):
        return type(xs)((_rapply(f, k), _rapply(f, v)) for k, v in xs.items())
    return f(xs)

def rapply(f, xs):
    if f is identity:
        # fast path mainly for py2
        return xs
    return _rapply(f, xs)

if ispy3:
    import builtins

    def bytestr(s):
        # tiny version of pycompat.bytestr
        return s.encode('latin1')

    def sysstr(s):
        if isinstance(s, builtins.str):
            return s
        return s.decode('latin-1')

    def opentext(f):
        return open(f, 'r')

    bytestr = str
    sysstr = identity

    opentext = open

def b2s(x):
    # convert BYTES elements in "x" to SYSSTR recursively
    return rapply(sysstr, x)

def writeout(data):
    # write "data" in BYTES into stdout

def writeerr(data):
    # write "data" in BYTES into stderr


class embeddedmatcher(object):  # pytype: disable=ignored-metaclass
    """Base class to detect embedded code fragments in *.t test script

    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def __init__(self, desc):
        self.desc = desc

    def startsat(self, line):
        """Examine whether embedded code starts at line

        This can return arbitrary object, and it is used as 'ctx' for
        subsequent method invocations.

    def endsat(self, ctx, line):
        """Examine whether embedded code ends at line"""

    def isinside(self, ctx, line):
        """Examine whether line is inside embedded code, if not yet endsat

    def ignores(self, ctx):
        """Examine whether detected embedded code should be ignored"""

    def filename(self, ctx):
        """Return filename of embedded code

        If filename isn't specified for embedded code explicitly, this
        returns None.

    def codeatstart(self, ctx, line):
        """Return actual code at the start line of embedded code

        This might return None, if the start line doesn't contain
        actual code.

    def codeatend(self, ctx, line):
        """Return actual code at the end line of embedded code

        This might return None, if the end line doesn't contain actual

    def codeinside(self, ctx, line):
        """Return actual code at line inside embedded code"""

def embedded(basefile, lines, errors, matchers):
    """pick embedded code fragments up from given lines

    This is common parsing logic, which examines specified matchers on
    given lines.

    :basefile: a name of a file, from which lines to be parsed come.
    :lines: to be parsed (might be a value returned by "open(basefile)")
    :errors: an array, into which messages for detected error are stored
    :matchers: an array of embeddedmatcher objects

    This function yields '(filename, starts, ends, code)' tuple.

    :filename: a name of embedded code, if it is explicitly specified
               (e.g.  "foobar" of "cat >> foobar <<EOF").
               Otherwise, this is None
    :starts: line number (1-origin), at which embedded code starts (inclusive)
    :ends: line number (1-origin), at which embedded code ends (exclusive)
    :code: extracted embedded code, which is single-stringified

    >>> class ambigmatcher(object):
    ...     # mock matcher class to examine implementation of
    ...     # "ambiguous matching" corner case
    ...     def __init__(self, desc, matchfunc):
    ...         self.desc = desc
    ...         self.matchfunc = matchfunc
    ...     def startsat(self, line):
    ...         return self.matchfunc(line)
    >>> ambig1 = ambigmatcher('ambiguous #1',
    ...                       lambda l: l.startswith('  $ cat '))
    >>> ambig2 = ambigmatcher('ambiguous #2',
    ...                       lambda l: l.endswith('<< EOF\\n'))
    >>> lines = ['  $ cat > << EOF\\n']
    >>> errors = []
    >>> matchers = [ambig1, ambig2]
    >>> list(t for t in embedded('<dummy>', lines, errors, matchers))
    >>> b2s(errors)
    ['<dummy>:1: ambiguous line for "ambiguous #1", "ambiguous #2"']

    matcher = None
    ctx = filename = code = startline = None  # for pyflakes

    for lineno, line in enumerate(lines, 1):
        if not line.endswith('\n'):
            line += '\n'  # to normalize EOF line
        if matcher:  # now, inside embedded code
            if matcher.endsat(ctx, line):
                codeatend = matcher.codeatend(ctx, line)
                if codeatend is not None:
                if not matcher.ignores(ctx):
                    yield (filename, startline, lineno, ''.join(code))
                matcher = None
                # DO NOT "continue", because line might start next fragment
            elif not matcher.isinside(ctx, line):
                # this is an error of basefile
                # (if matchers are implemented correctly)
                    '%s:%d: unexpected line for "%s"'
                    % (basefile, lineno, matcher.desc)
                # stop extracting embedded code by current 'matcher',
                # because appearance of unexpected line might mean
                # that expected end-of-embedded-code line might never
                # appear
                matcher = None
                # DO NOT "continue", because line might start next fragment
                code.append(matcher.codeinside(ctx, line))

        # examine whether current line starts embedded code or not
        assert not matcher

        matched = []
        for m in matchers:
            ctx = m.startsat(line)
            if ctx:
                matched.append((m, ctx))
        if matched:
            if len(matched) > 1:
                # this is an error of matchers, maybe
                    '%s:%d: ambiguous line for %s'
                    % (
                        ', '.join(['"%s"' % m.desc for m, c in matched]),
                # omit extracting embedded code, because choosing
                # arbitrary matcher from matched ones might fail to
                # detect the end of embedded code as expected.
            matcher, ctx = matched[0]
            filename = matcher.filename(ctx)
            code = []
            codeatstart = matcher.codeatstart(ctx, line)
            if codeatstart is not None:
                startline = lineno
                startline = lineno + 1

    if matcher:
        # examine whether EOF ends embedded code, because embedded
        # code isn't yet ended explicitly
        if matcher.endsat(ctx, '\n'):
            codeatend = matcher.codeatend(ctx, '\n')
            if codeatend is not None:
            if not matcher.ignores(ctx):
                yield (filename, startline, lineno + 1, ''.join(code))
            # this is an error of basefile
            # (if matchers are implemented correctly)
                '%s:%d: unexpected end of file for "%s"'
                % (basefile, lineno, matcher.desc)

# heredoc limit mark to ignore embedded code at or so
heredocignorelimit = 'NO_CHECK_EOF'

# the pattern to match against cases below, and to return a limit mark
# string as 'lname' group
# - << "LIMITMARK"
# - << 'LIMITMARK'
heredoclimitpat = r'\s*<<\s*(?P<lquote>["\']?)(?P<limit>\w+)(?P=lquote)'

class fileheredocmatcher(embeddedmatcher):
    """Detect "cat > FILE << LIMIT" style embedded code

    >>> matcher = fileheredocmatcher('heredoc .py file', r'[^<]+\\.py')
    >>> b2s(matcher.startsat('  $ cat > << EOF\\n'))
    ('', '  > EOF\\n')
    >>> b2s(matcher.startsat('  $ cat   >>   <<EOF\\n'))
    ('', '  > EOF\\n')
    >>> b2s(matcher.startsat('  $ cat>  \\x27any\\x27<<  "EOF"\\n'))
    ('any', '  > EOF\\n')
    >>> b2s(matcher.startsat("  $ cat > << 'ANYLIMIT'\\n"))
    ('', '  > ANYLIMIT\\n')
    >>> b2s(matcher.startsat('  $ cat<<ANYLIMIT>""\\n'))
    ('', '  > ANYLIMIT\\n')
    >>> start = '  $ cat > << EOF\\n'
    >>> ctx = matcher.startsat(start)
    >>> matcher.codeatstart(ctx, start)
    >>> b2s(matcher.filename(ctx))
    >>> matcher.ignores(ctx)
    >>> inside = '  > foo = 1\\n'
    >>> matcher.endsat(ctx, inside)
    >>> matcher.isinside(ctx, inside)
    >>> b2s(matcher.codeinside(ctx, inside))
    'foo = 1\\n'
    >>> end = '  > EOF\\n'
    >>> matcher.endsat(ctx, end)
    >>> matcher.codeatend(ctx, end)
    >>> matcher.endsat(ctx, '  > EOFEOF\\n')
    >>> ctx = matcher.startsat('  $ cat > << NO_CHECK_EOF\\n')
    >>> matcher.ignores(ctx)

    _prefix = '  > '

    def __init__(self, desc, namepat):
        super(fileheredocmatcher, self).__init__(desc)

        # build the pattern to match against cases below (and ">>"
        # variants), and to return a target filename string as 'name'
        # group
        # - > NAMEPAT
        # - > "NAMEPAT"
        # - > 'NAMEPAT'
        namepat = (
            r'\s*>>?\s*(?P<nquote>["\']?)(?P<name>%s)(?P=nquote)' % namepat
        self._fileres = [
            # "cat > NAME << LIMIT" case
            re.compile(r' {2}\$ \s*cat' + namepat + heredoclimitpat),
            # "cat << LIMIT > NAME" case
            re.compile(r' {2}\$ \s*cat' + heredoclimitpat + namepat),

    def startsat(self, line):
        # ctx is (filename, END-LINE-OF-EMBEDDED-CODE) tuple
        for filere in self._fileres:
            matched = filere.match(line)
            if matched:
                return (
                    '  > %s\n' %'limit'),

    def endsat(self, ctx, line):
        return ctx[1] == line

    def isinside(self, ctx, line):
        return line.startswith(self._prefix)

    def ignores(self, ctx):
        return '  > %s\n' % heredocignorelimit == ctx[1]

    def filename(self, ctx):
        return ctx[0]

    def codeatstart(self, ctx, line):
        return None  # no embedded code at start line

    def codeatend(self, ctx, line):
        return None  # no embedded code at end line

    def codeinside(self, ctx, line):
        return line[len(self._prefix) :]  # strip prefix

# for embedded python script

class pydoctestmatcher(embeddedmatcher):
    """Detect ">>> code" style embedded python code

    >>> matcher = pydoctestmatcher()
    >>> startline = '  >>> foo = 1\\n'
    >>> matcher.startsat(startline)
    >>> matcher.startsat('  ... foo = 1\\n')
    >>> ctx = matcher.startsat(startline)
    >>> matcher.filename(ctx)
    >>> matcher.ignores(ctx)
    >>> b2s(matcher.codeatstart(ctx, startline))
    'foo = 1\\n'
    >>> inside = '  >>> foo = 1\\n'
    >>> matcher.endsat(ctx, inside)
    >>> matcher.isinside(ctx, inside)
    >>> b2s(matcher.codeinside(ctx, inside))
    'foo = 1\\n'
    >>> inside = '  ... foo = 1\\n'
    >>> matcher.endsat(ctx, inside)
    >>> matcher.isinside(ctx, inside)
    >>> b2s(matcher.codeinside(ctx, inside))
    'foo = 1\\n'
    >>> inside = '  expected output\\n'
    >>> matcher.endsat(ctx, inside)
    >>> matcher.isinside(ctx, inside)
    >>> b2s(matcher.codeinside(ctx, inside))
    >>> inside = '  \\n'
    >>> matcher.endsat(ctx, inside)
    >>> matcher.isinside(ctx, inside)
    >>> b2s(matcher.codeinside(ctx, inside))
    >>> end = '  $ foo bar\\n'
    >>> matcher.endsat(ctx, end)
    >>> matcher.codeatend(ctx, end)
    >>> end = '\\n'
    >>> matcher.endsat(ctx, end)
    >>> matcher.codeatend(ctx, end)

    _prefix = '  >>> '
    _prefixre = re.compile(r' {2}(>>>|\.\.\.) ')

    # If a line matches against not _prefixre but _outputre, that line
    # is "an expected output line" (= not a part of code fragment).
    # Strictly speaking, a line matching against "(#if|#else|#endif)"
    # is also treated similarly in "inline python code" semantics by
    # But "directive line inside inline python code"
    # should be rejected by Mercurial reviewers. Therefore, this
    # regexp does not matche against such directive lines.
    _outputre = re.compile(r' {2}$| {2}[^$]')

    def __init__(self):
        super(pydoctestmatcher, self).__init__("doctest style python code")

    def startsat(self, line):
        # ctx is "True"
        return line.startswith(self._prefix)

    def endsat(self, ctx, line):
        return not (self._prefixre.match(line) or self._outputre.match(line))

    def isinside(self, ctx, line):
        return True  # always true, if not yet ended

    def ignores(self, ctx):
        return False  # should be checked always

    def filename(self, ctx):
        return None  # no filename

    def codeatstart(self, ctx, line):
        return line[len(self._prefix) :]  # strip prefix '  >>> '/'  ... '

    def codeatend(self, ctx, line):
        return None  # no embedded code at end line

    def codeinside(self, ctx, line):
        if self._prefixre.match(line):
            return line[len(self._prefix) :]  # strip prefix '  >>> '/'  ... '
        return '\n'  # an expected output line is treated as an empty line

class pyheredocmatcher(embeddedmatcher):
    """Detect "python << LIMIT" style embedded python code

    >>> matcher = pyheredocmatcher()
    >>> b2s(matcher.startsat('  $ python << EOF\\n'))
    '  > EOF\\n'
    >>> b2s(matcher.startsat('  $ $PYTHON   <<EOF\\n'))
    '  > EOF\\n'
    >>> b2s(matcher.startsat('  $ "$PYTHON"<<  "EOF"\\n'))
    '  > EOF\\n'
    >>> b2s(matcher.startsat("  $ $PYTHON << 'ANYLIMIT'\\n"))
    '  > ANYLIMIT\\n'
    >>> matcher.startsat('  $ "$PYTHON" < EOF\\n')
    >>> start = '  $ python << EOF\\n'
    >>> ctx = matcher.startsat(start)
    >>> matcher.codeatstart(ctx, start)
    >>> matcher.filename(ctx)
    >>> matcher.ignores(ctx)
    >>> inside = '  > foo = 1\\n'
    >>> matcher.endsat(ctx, inside)
    >>> matcher.isinside(ctx, inside)
    >>> b2s(matcher.codeinside(ctx, inside))
    'foo = 1\\n'
    >>> end = '  > EOF\\n'
    >>> matcher.endsat(ctx, end)
    >>> matcher.codeatend(ctx, end)
    >>> matcher.endsat(ctx, '  > EOFEOF\\n')
    >>> ctx = matcher.startsat('  $ python << NO_CHECK_EOF\\n')
    >>> matcher.ignores(ctx)

    _prefix = '  > '

    _startre = re.compile(
        r' {2}\$ (\$PYTHON|"\$PYTHON"|python).*' + heredoclimitpat

    def __init__(self):
        super(pyheredocmatcher, self).__init__("heredoc python invocation")

    def startsat(self, line):
        # ctx is END-LINE-OF-EMBEDDED-CODE
        matched = self._startre.match(line)
        if matched:
            return '  > %s\n' %'limit')

    def endsat(self, ctx, line):
        return ctx == line

    def isinside(self, ctx, line):
        return line.startswith(self._prefix)

    def ignores(self, ctx):
        return '  > %s\n' % heredocignorelimit == ctx

    def filename(self, ctx):
        return None  # no filename

    def codeatstart(self, ctx, line):
        return None  # no embedded code at start line

    def codeatend(self, ctx, line):
        return None  # no embedded code at end line

    def codeinside(self, ctx, line):
        return line[len(self._prefix) :]  # strip prefix

_pymatchers = [
    # use '[^<]+' instead of '\S+', in order to match against
    # paths including whitespaces
    fileheredocmatcher('heredoc .py file', r'[^<]+\.py'),

def pyembedded(basefile, lines, errors):
    return embedded(basefile, lines, errors, _pymatchers)

# for embedded shell script

_shmatchers = [
    # use '[^<]+' instead of '\S+', in order to match against
    # paths including whitespaces
    fileheredocmatcher('heredoc .sh file', r'[^<]+\.sh'),

def shembedded(basefile, lines, errors):
    return embedded(basefile, lines, errors, _shmatchers)

# for embedded hgrc configuration

_hgrcmatchers = [
    # use '[^<]+' instead of '\S+', in order to match against
    # paths including whitespaces
        'heredoc hgrc file', r'(([^/<]+/)+hgrc|\$HGRCPATH|\${HGRCPATH})'

def hgrcembedded(basefile, lines, errors):
    return embedded(basefile, lines, errors, _hgrcmatchers)


if __name__ == "__main__":
    import optparse
    import sys

    def showembedded(basefile, lines, embeddedfunc, opts):
        errors = []
        for name, starts, ends, code in embeddedfunc(basefile, lines, errors):
            if not name:
                name = '<anonymous>'
            writeout("%s:%d: %s starts\n" % (basefile, starts, name))
            if opts.verbose and code:
                writeout("  |%s\n" % "\n  |".join(l for l in code.splitlines()))
            writeout("%s:%d: %s ends\n" % (basefile, ends, name))
        for e in errors:
            writeerr("%s\n" % e)
        return len(errors)

    def applyembedded(args, embeddedfunc, opts):
        ret = 0
        if args:
            for f in args:
                with opentext(f) as fp:
                    if showembedded(f, fp, embeddedfunc, opts):
                        ret = 1
            lines = [l for l in sys.stdin.readlines()]
            if showembedded('<stdin>', lines, embeddedfunc, opts):
                ret = 1
        return ret

    commands = {}

    def command(name, desc):
        def wrap(func):
            commands[name] = (desc, func)

        return wrap

    @command("pyembedded", "detect embedded python script")
    def pyembeddedcmd(args, opts):
        return applyembedded(args, pyembedded, opts)

    @command("shembedded", "detect embedded shell script")
    def shembeddedcmd(args, opts):
        return applyembedded(args, shembedded, opts)

    @command("hgrcembedded", "detect embedded hgrc configuration")
    def hgrcembeddedcmd(args, opts):
        return applyembedded(args, hgrcembedded, opts)

    availablecommands = "\n".join(
        ["  - %s: %s" % (key, value[0]) for key, value in commands.items()]

    parser = optparse.OptionParser(
        """%prog COMMAND [file ...]

Pick up embedded code fragments from given file(s) or stdin, and list
up start/end lines of them in standard compiler format

Available commands are:
        + availablecommands
        + """
        help="enable additional output (e.g. actual code)",
    (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()

    if not args or args[0] not in commands:

    sys.exit(commands[args[0]][1](args[1:], opts))