author Gregory Szorc <>
Sun, 06 Mar 2016 14:28:02 -0800
changeset 28487 98d98a645e9d
parent 26231 87c9c562c37a
child 28720 639e0f1e8ffa
permissions -rw-r--r--
changelog: add class to represent parsed changelog revisions Currently, changelog entries are parsed into their respective components at read time. Many operations are only interested in a subset of fields of a changelog entry. The parsing and storing of all the fields adds avoidable overhead. This patch introduces the "changelogrevision" class. It takes changelog raw text and exposes the parsed results as attributes. The code for parsing changelog entries has been moved into its construction function. has been modified to use the new class internally while maintaining its existing API. Future patches will make revision parsing lazy. We implement the construction function of the new class with __new__ instead of __init__ so we can use a named tuple to represent the empty revision. This saves overhead and complexity of coercing later versions of this class to represent an empty instance. While we are here, we add a method on changelog to obtain an instance of the new type. The overhead of constructing the new class regresses performance of revsets accessing this data: author(mpm) 0.896565 0.929984 desc(bug) 0.887169 0.935642 105% date(2015) 0.878797 0.908094 extra(rebase_source) 0.865446 0.922624 106% author(mpm) or author(greg) 1.801832 1.902112 105% author(mpm) or desc(bug) 1.812438 1.860977 date(2015) or branch(default) 0.968276 1.005824 author(mpm) or desc(bug) or date(2015) or extra(rebase_source) 3.656193 3.743381 Once lazy parsing is implemented, these revsets will all be faster than before. There is no performance change on revsets that do not access this data. There /could/ be a performance regression on operations that perform several changelog reads. However, I can't think of anything outside of revsets and `hg log` (basically the same as a revset) that would be impacted.

# - simple top-down operator precedence parser for mercurial
# Copyright 2010 Matt Mackall <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

# see and
# for background

# takes a tokenizer and elements
# tokenizer is an iterator that returns (type, value, pos) tuples
# elements is a mapping of types to binding strength, primary, prefix, infix
# and suffix actions
# an action is a tree node name, a tree label, and an optional match
# __call__(program) parses program into a labeled tree

from __future__ import absolute_import

from .i18n import _
from . import error

class parser(object):
    def __init__(self, elements, methods=None):
        self._elements = elements
        self._methods = methods
        self.current = None
    def _advance(self):
        'advance the tokenizer'
        t = self.current
        self.current = next(self._iter, None)
        return t
    def _hasnewterm(self):
        'True if next token may start new term'
        return any(self._elements[self.current[0]][1:3])
    def _match(self, m):
        'make sure the tokenizer matches an end condition'
        if self.current[0] != m:
            raise error.ParseError(_("unexpected token: %s") % self.current[0],
    def _parseoperand(self, bind, m=None):
        'gather right-hand-side operand until an end condition or binding met'
        if m and self.current[0] == m:
            expr = None
            expr = self._parse(bind)
        if m:
        return expr
    def _parse(self, bind=0):
        token, value, pos = self._advance()
        # handle prefix rules on current token, take as primary if unambiguous
        primary, prefix = self._elements[token][1:3]
        if primary and not (prefix and self._hasnewterm()):
            expr = (primary, value)
        elif prefix:
            expr = (prefix[0], self._parseoperand(*prefix[1:]))
            raise error.ParseError(_("not a prefix: %s") % token, pos)
        # gather tokens until we meet a lower binding strength
        while bind < self._elements[self.current[0]][0]:
            token, value, pos = self._advance()
            # handle infix rules, take as suffix if unambiguous
            infix, suffix = self._elements[token][3:]
            if suffix and not (infix and self._hasnewterm()):
                expr = (suffix[0], expr)
            elif infix:
                expr = (infix[0], expr, self._parseoperand(*infix[1:]))
                raise error.ParseError(_("not an infix: %s") % token, pos)
        return expr
    def parse(self, tokeniter):
        'generate a parse tree from tokens'
        self._iter = tokeniter
        res = self._parse()
        token, value, pos = self.current
        return res, pos
    def eval(self, tree):
        'recursively evaluate a parse tree using node methods'
        if not isinstance(tree, tuple):
            return tree
        return self._methods[tree[0]](*[self.eval(t) for t in tree[1:]])
    def __call__(self, tokeniter):
        'parse tokens into a parse tree and evaluate if methods given'
        t = self.parse(tokeniter)
        if self._methods:
            return self.eval(t)
        return t

def buildargsdict(trees, funcname, keys, keyvaluenode, keynode):
    """Build dict from list containing positional and keyword arguments

    Invalid keywords or too many positional arguments are rejected, but
    missing arguments are just omitted.
    if len(trees) > len(keys):
        raise error.ParseError(_("%(func)s takes at most %(nargs)d arguments")
                               % {'func': funcname, 'nargs': len(keys)})
    args = {}
    # consume positional arguments
    for k, x in zip(keys, trees):
        if x[0] == keyvaluenode:
        args[k] = x
    # remainder should be keyword arguments
    for x in trees[len(args):]:
        if x[0] != keyvaluenode or x[1][0] != keynode:
            raise error.ParseError(_("%(func)s got an invalid argument")
                                   % {'func': funcname})
        k = x[1][1]
        if k not in keys:
            raise error.ParseError(_("%(func)s got an unexpected keyword "
                                     "argument '%(key)s'")
                                   % {'func': funcname, 'key': k})
        if k in args:
            raise error.ParseError(_("%(func)s got multiple values for keyword "
                                     "argument '%(key)s'")
                                   % {'func': funcname, 'key': k})
        args[k] = x[2]
    return args

def unescapestr(s):
        return s.decode("string_escape")
    except ValueError as e:
        # mangle Python's exception into our format
        raise error.ParseError(str(e).lower())

def _prettyformat(tree, leafnodes, level, lines):
    if not isinstance(tree, tuple) or tree[0] in leafnodes:
        lines.append((level, str(tree)))
        lines.append((level, '(%s' % tree[0]))
        for s in tree[1:]:
            _prettyformat(s, leafnodes, level + 1, lines)
        lines[-1:] = [(lines[-1][0], lines[-1][1] + ')')]

def prettyformat(tree, leafnodes):
    lines = []
    _prettyformat(tree, leafnodes, 0, lines)
    output = '\n'.join(('  ' * l + s) for l, s in lines)
    return output

def simplifyinfixops(tree, targetnodes):
    """Flatten chained infix operations to reduce usage of Python stack

    >>> def f(tree):
    ...     print prettyformat(simplifyinfixops(tree, ('or',)), ('symbol',))
    >>> f(('or',
    ...     ('or',
    ...       ('symbol', '1'),
    ...       ('symbol', '2')),
    ...     ('symbol', '3')))
      ('symbol', '1')
      ('symbol', '2')
      ('symbol', '3'))
    >>> f(('func',
    ...     ('symbol', 'p1'),
    ...     ('or',
    ...       ('or',
    ...         ('func',
    ...           ('symbol', 'sort'),
    ...           ('list',
    ...             ('or',
    ...               ('or',
    ...                 ('symbol', '1'),
    ...                 ('symbol', '2')),
    ...               ('symbol', '3')),
    ...             ('negate',
    ...               ('symbol', 'rev')))),
    ...         ('and',
    ...           ('symbol', '4'),
    ...           ('group',
    ...             ('or',
    ...               ('or',
    ...                 ('symbol', '5'),
    ...                 ('symbol', '6')),
    ...               ('symbol', '7'))))),
    ...       ('symbol', '8'))))
      ('symbol', 'p1')
          ('symbol', 'sort')
              ('symbol', '1')
              ('symbol', '2')
              ('symbol', '3'))
              ('symbol', 'rev'))))
          ('symbol', '4')
              ('symbol', '5')
              ('symbol', '6')
              ('symbol', '7'))))
        ('symbol', '8')))
    if not isinstance(tree, tuple):
        return tree
    op = tree[0]
    if op not in targetnodes:
        return (op,) + tuple(simplifyinfixops(x, targetnodes) for x in tree[1:])

    # walk down left nodes taking each right node. no recursion to left nodes
    # because infix operators are left-associative, i.e. left tree is deep.
    # e.g. '1 + 2 + 3' -> (+ (+ 1 2) 3) -> (+ 1 2 3)
    simplified = []
    x = tree
    while x[0] == op:
        l, r = x[1:]
        simplified.append(simplifyinfixops(r, targetnodes))
        x = l
    simplified.append(simplifyinfixops(x, targetnodes))
    return tuple(reversed(simplified))