author Yuya Nishihara <>
Sun, 08 Mar 2015 14:17:35 +0900
changeset 24237 9ad02823dc5b
parent 19378 9de689d20230
child 28351 42a7301fb4d5
permissions -rw-r--r--
templatekw: convert list of key/value pairs to sortdict These sortdict objects will be passed to _hybrid later, which will allow us to handle them by "ifcontains()" and "get()" as expected.

import os, __builtin__
from mercurial import util

def lowerwrap(scope, funcname):
    f = getattr(scope, funcname)
    def wrap(fname, *args, **kwargs):
        d, base = os.path.split(fname)
            files = os.listdir(d or '.')
        except OSError:
            files = []
        if base in files:
            return f(fname, *args, **kwargs)
        for fn in files:
            if fn.lower() == base.lower():
                return f(os.path.join(d, fn), *args, **kwargs)
        return f(fname, *args, **kwargs)
    scope.__dict__[funcname] = wrap

def normcase(path):
    return path.lower()

os.path.normcase = normcase

for f in 'file open'.split():
    lowerwrap(__builtin__, f)

for f in "chmod chown open lstat stat remove unlink".split():
    lowerwrap(os, f)

for f in "exists lexists".split():
    lowerwrap(os.path, f)

lowerwrap(util, 'posixfile')