author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@ens-lyon.org>
Mon, 14 Oct 2013 16:12:29 +0200
changeset 19925 9c78ed396075
parent 19214 0250047a365e
child 20117 aa9385f983fa
permissions -rw-r--r--
rebase: preserve working directory parent (BC) Prior to this changeset, rebase always left the working directory as a parent of the last rebased changeset. The is dubious when, before the rebase, the working directory was not a parent of the tip most rebased changeset. With this changeset, we move the working directory back to its original parent. If the original parent was rebased, we use it's successors. This is a step toward solving issue3813 (rebase loses active bookmark if it's not on a head)

  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
  > [extensions]
  > graphlog=
  > rebase=
  > [phases]
  > publish=False
  > [alias]
  > tglog = log -G --template "{rev}: '{desc}' {branches}\n"
  > EOF

  $ hg init a
  $ cd a
  $ hg unbundle "$TESTDIR/bundles/rebase.hg"
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 8 changesets with 7 changes to 7 files (+2 heads)
  (run 'hg heads' to see heads, 'hg merge' to merge)
  $ hg up tip
  3 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved

  $ echo I > I
  $ hg ci -AmI
  adding I

  $ hg tglog
  @  8: 'I'
  o  7: 'H'
  | o  6: 'G'
  o |  5: 'F'
  | |
  | o  4: 'E'
  | o  3: 'D'
  | |
  | o  2: 'C'
  | |
  | o  1: 'B'
  o  0: 'A'
  $ cd ..

These fail:

  $ hg clone -q -u . a a1
  $ cd a1

  $ hg rebase -s 8 -d 7
  nothing to rebase

  $ hg rebase --continue --abort
  abort: cannot use both abort and continue

  $ hg rebase --continue --collapse
  abort: cannot use collapse with continue or abort

  $ hg rebase --continue --dest 4
  abort: abort and continue do not allow specifying revisions

  $ hg rebase --base 5 --source 4
  abort: cannot specify both a source and a base

  $ hg rebase --rev 5 --source 4
  abort: cannot specify both a revision and a source
  $ hg rebase --base 5 --rev 4
  abort: cannot specify both a revision and a base

  $ hg rebase
  nothing to rebase

  $ hg up -q 7

  $ hg rebase --traceback
  nothing to rebase

These work:

Rebase with no arguments (from 3 onto 8):

  $ hg up -q -C 3

  $ hg rebase
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a1/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ hg tglog
  @  8: 'D'
  o  7: 'C'
  o  6: 'B'
  o  5: 'I'
  o  4: 'H'
  | o  3: 'G'
  o |  2: 'F'
  | |
  | o  1: 'E'
  o  0: 'A'
Try to rollback after a rebase (fail):

  $ hg rollback
  no rollback information available

  $ cd ..

Rebase with base == '.' => same as no arguments (from 3 onto 8):

  $ hg clone -q -u 3 a a2
  $ cd a2

  $ hg rebase --base .
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a2/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ hg tglog
  @  8: 'D'
  o  7: 'C'
  o  6: 'B'
  o  5: 'I'
  o  4: 'H'
  | o  3: 'G'
  o |  2: 'F'
  | |
  | o  1: 'E'
  o  0: 'A'
  $ cd ..

Rebase with dest == branch(.) => same as no arguments (from 3 onto 8):

  $ hg clone -q -u 3 a a3
  $ cd a3

  $ hg rebase --dest 'branch(.)'
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a3/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ hg tglog
  @  8: 'D'
  o  7: 'C'
  o  6: 'B'
  o  5: 'I'
  o  4: 'H'
  | o  3: 'G'
  o |  2: 'F'
  | |
  | o  1: 'E'
  o  0: 'A'
  $ cd ..

Specify only source (from 2 onto 8):

  $ hg clone -q -u . a a4
  $ cd a4

  $ hg rebase --source 'desc("C")'
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a4/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ hg tglog
  o  8: 'D'
  o  7: 'C'
  @  6: 'I'
  o  5: 'H'
  | o  4: 'G'
  o |  3: 'F'
  | |
  | o  2: 'E'
  | o  1: 'B'
  o  0: 'A'
  $ cd ..

Specify only dest (from 3 onto 6):

  $ hg clone -q -u 3 a a5
  $ cd a5

  $ hg rebase --dest 6
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a5/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ hg tglog
  @  8: 'D'
  o  7: 'C'
  o  6: 'B'
  | o  5: 'I'
  | |
  | o  4: 'H'
  | |
  o |  3: 'G'
  | o  2: 'F'
  | |
  o |  1: 'E'
  o  0: 'A'
  $ cd ..

Specify only base (from 1 onto 8):

  $ hg clone -q -u . a a6
  $ cd a6

  $ hg rebase --base 'desc("D")'
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a6/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ hg tglog
  o  8: 'D'
  o  7: 'C'
  o  6: 'B'
  @  5: 'I'
  o  4: 'H'
  | o  3: 'G'
  o |  2: 'F'
  | |
  | o  1: 'E'
  o  0: 'A'
  $ cd ..

Specify source and dest (from 2 onto 7):

  $ hg clone -q -u . a a7
  $ cd a7

  $ hg rebase --source 2 --dest 7
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a7/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ hg tglog
  o  8: 'D'
  o  7: 'C'
  | @  6: 'I'
  o  5: 'H'
  | o  4: 'G'
  o |  3: 'F'
  | |
  | o  2: 'E'
  | o  1: 'B'
  o  0: 'A'
  $ cd ..

Specify base and dest (from 1 onto 7):

  $ hg clone -q -u . a a8
  $ cd a8

  $ hg rebase --base 3 --dest 7
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a8/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ hg tglog
  o  8: 'D'
  o  7: 'C'
  o  6: 'B'
  | @  5: 'I'
  o  4: 'H'
  | o  3: 'G'
  o |  2: 'F'
  | |
  | o  1: 'E'
  o  0: 'A'
  $ cd ..

Specify only revs (from 2 onto 8)

  $ hg clone -q -u . a a9
  $ cd a9

  $ hg rebase --rev 'desc("C")::'
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a9/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ hg tglog
  o  8: 'D'
  o  7: 'C'
  @  6: 'I'
  o  5: 'H'
  | o  4: 'G'
  o |  3: 'F'
  | |
  | o  2: 'E'
  | o  1: 'B'
  o  0: 'A'
  $ cd ..

Test --tool parameter:

  $ hg init b
  $ cd b

  $ echo c1 > c1
  $ hg ci -Am c1
  adding c1

  $ echo c2 > c2
  $ hg ci -Am c2
  adding c2

  $ hg up -q 0
  $ echo c2b > c2
  $ hg ci -Am c2b
  adding c2
  created new head

  $ cd ..

  $ hg clone -q -u . b b1
  $ cd b1

  $ hg rebase -s 2 -d 1 --tool internal:local
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/b1/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ hg cat c2

  $ cd ..

  $ hg clone -q -u . b b2
  $ cd b2

  $ hg rebase -s 2 -d 1 --tool internal:other
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/b2/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ hg cat c2

  $ cd ..

  $ hg clone -q -u . b b3
  $ cd b3

  $ hg rebase -s 2 -d 1 --tool internal:fail
  unresolved conflicts (see hg resolve, then hg rebase --continue)

  $ hg summary
  parent: 1:56daeba07f4b 
  parent: 2:e4e3f3546619 tip
  branch: default
  commit: 1 modified, 1 unresolved (merge)
  update: (current)
  rebase: 0 rebased, 1 remaining (rebase --continue)

  $ hg resolve -l
  U c2

  $ hg resolve -m c2
  $ hg rebase -c --tool internal:fail
  tool option will be ignored
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/b3/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ cd ..