changegroup3: move treemanifest support into _unpackmanifests()
By putting the treemanifest code in _unpackmanifests(),
_addchangegroupfiles() will only be about files again, and we get a
nice symmetry between _packmanifests() and _unpackmanifest(). The
immediate benefit to me is that remotefilelog should not need to be
updated to work with treemanifests. It should also make
server.validate and progress output easier to get right. Probably
bundlerepo too.
CC := gcc
CFLAGS := -g -O2 -Wall -Werror
prefix ?= /usr/bin
hgsh: hgsh.o
$(CC) -o $@ $<
install: hgsh
install -m755 hgsh $(prefix)
rm -f *.o hgsh